System Name
B2Z list of NLG systems
System Builders Fawcett,Tucker
Development Dates 1988-1992
Languages English
URL (if available)
who's who


generation with systemic functional grammar


Robin P. Fawcett.
The computer generation of Speech with discoursally and semantically motivated intonation.
In 5th. International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, 3-6 June 1990, Pittsburgh, PA., 1990. Main reference

R. Fawcett.
Language Generation as Choice in Social Interaction.
In Zock, M. and G. Sabah, editors, Advances in natural language generation, volume 2, pages 27--49. Pinter Publishers, 1988.
(Paper presented at the First European Workshop of Natural Language Generation, Royaumont, 1987).

Information last updated: 01.01.2000 (
Page last generated: 25-1-2009 21:01:38