System Name
B2Z list of NLG systems
System Builders Marsi
Development Dates 1995-2000
Languages Dutch
URL (if available)
who's who


CONPAS (Content-to-Prosodically Adequate Speech) is a front-end generator for producing spoken output with appropriate prosody. It consists of three modules: SynR, a module for syntactic realization, ProsR, a module for prosodic realization and, SpeechS, a module for speech synthesis. It is driven by a planning component (PlanR) and produces spoken output in a number of domains; the text planner is specific for each domain. Particular emphasis was placed on the pitch accent placement, and this has been evaluated.


Main reference

Erwin Marsi.
Intonation in spoken language generation.
LOT (Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap), Utrecht, 2001.

Erwin Marsi.
Intonation in a spoken language generator.
In H. Strik, N. Oostdijk, C. Cucchiarini, and P. Coppen, editors, Proceedings 1995, pages 85--97, Nijmegen, 1995. Department of Language and Speech, University of Nijmegen.

Erwin Marsi.
A reusable syntactic generator for Dutch.
In P.-A. Coppin, H.V. Halteren, and L. Teunissen, editors, Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 1997. Selected papers from the Eighth CLIN Meeting), Amsterdam, 1998. Rodopi.

Erwin Marsi.
Introducing maximal variation in text planning for small domains.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Workhop on Natural Language Generation (INLG-98), pages 68--77, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, Canada, 1998.

Information last updated: 17.09.2001 (
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