System Name
B2Z list of NLG systems
System Builders van Deemter,Leermakers,Odijk
Development Dates 1994-1997
Languages English
URL (if available)
who's who


DYD (Dial Your Disc) is an interactive system that supports browsing through a large music database (Mozart compositions); each time a track is selected, it generates a spoken monologue describing the composition and its recording


Main reference

K. van Deemter and J. Odijk.
Context Modeling and the Generation of Spoken Discourse.
Speech Communication, 21(1/2):101--121, 1997.

Kees van Deemter.
Context modeling for language and speech generation.
In Julia Hirschberg, Candace Kamm, and Marilyn Walker, editors, Proceedings of the ACL/EACL Workshop on Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: bringing speech and NLP together in real applications, pages 48--52, Madrid, Spain, 1997. Assocation for Computational Linguistics.

Information last updated: 03.06.2000 (
Page last generated: 25-1-2009 21:01:38