System Name
B2Z list of NLG systems
System Builders Portet, Reiter, Hunter, Sripada
Development Dates 2005-2007
Languages English
URL (if available)
who's who

Builds on: SumTime


Data-to-Text architecture for medical reports: see also BabyTalk


Main reference

F. Portet, E. Reiter, J. Hunter, and S. Sripada.
Automatic generation of textual summaries from neonatal intensive care data.
In Proceedings of 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 07), LNCS, pages 227--236, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007. Springer.

Ehud Reiter.
An architecture for data-to-text systems.
In Stephan Busemann, editor, Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, pages 97--104, 2007.

Information last updated: 18.04.2008 (
Page last generated: 25-1-2009 21:01:38