This is the source directory for KPML (Version 4) ==================================================== John Bateman, March/April 2002 - December 2004 University of Bremen, Germany. e-mail: CONTENTS ======== 0. Welcome 1. Recommended configurations 2. Installation 3. Directory structure 4. Development history WELCOME ======= ... to the KPML 4 release for grammar development, grammar exploration, and large-scale resource maintanence. This directory contains the full source code for KPML 4. To be used, this source code needs to be compiled and loaded within a running version of Common Lisp with the Common Lisp Interface Manager (CLIM). If you do not have a Common Lisp available, then you can use the released standalone images given on the KPML web site (Windows only). KPML 4 has been tested most thoroughly under Allegro Common Lisp 5.0 (Unix) and under Lispworks 4.1 (PC). RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATIONS ========================== *********************************************************************** * IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A VERSION OF COMMON LISP THEN YOU CANNOT COMPILE * * THIS SOURCE CODE. * *********************************************************************** For PCs you can still download standalone versions of the KPML system that can be run without a Lisp system: these introduce some restrictions, but should not become an issue until very serious development is required. If you are not using the graphical user interface of KPML--for example, if you are doing blackbox generation work or are happy just to use KPML directly from Lisp--then any Common Lisp implementation should work. Otherwise, CLIM is required and implementations of CLIM are not all equally stable or completely compatible across all platforms. Under Unix (Sparc, Solaris 2.5+), the recommended configuration is with Allegro Common Lisp (4.3 or newer) and CLIM (2.1 or newer), with GNU Emacs also present. The emacs-initialization files that should be loaded from .emacs or its equivalent are to be found in the directory *root-of-kpml*/Emacs. Emacs is then available for editing the linguistic resources in addition to the KPML-supported graphical editing modes. Under Windows, the recommended configuration is with Harlequin LispWorks 4.1 (or newer). Under Lispworks, editing resource definitions proceeds via Lispworks own internal Emacs-like editor and so no external editor is required. ACL 5+ on non-NT/XP Windows has a lot to do to cope with the lack of true multiprocessing, and appears less than stable with the current KPML code, which was written without the rather strict limitations that ACL 5+ imposes on inter-process communication. For this reason ACL 5+ is not recommended for non-NT/XP/2000 Windows versions. Other possible configurations are Allegro Common Lisp 3.0.2 with CLIM (2.1 or newer) and WinEmacs--interaction between ACL3.0.2 and WinEmacs is provided by the Franz Editi Open Editing Package--Lispworks 4.0 with CLIM, and Allegro Common Lisp 5.0 with CLIM 2.2 for PCs (but see note above). At present the Harlequin Lispworks 4.1 version has received the most testing of all and is so the guranteedly most stable. INSTALLATION. ============= Installing KPML-4 is conditionalized so that the same steps apply regardless of one is running under Unix or Windows and whether under Franz or Harlequin products. KPML will by default always assume the existence of /tmp under Unix (unproblematic) and C:\tmp under Windows (sometimes problematic); if such a directory does not exist on your machine, first create it. (1) There are then two ways of installing the system, but the first step in each case is the same: (a) KPML must first be informed about where the linguistic resources to be used live and (b) about what knowledge representation system it is to use. These (and some other) options and paths that give KPML this information are all in the file: configuration.lisp. Read the individual instructions for paths and flags in this file. NO OTHER FILE NEEDS TO BE ALTERED OR INSPECTED FOR REGULAR STRAIGHTFORWARD USE OF KPML. (2) The simplest option for getting started is by loading the file: install-kpml.lisp. This will compile KPML according with the neutral configurations and settings. Slightly more flexibility is provided by loading the file KPML-INSTALLATION.lisp The latter option allows more sophisticated options to be set, but the former is quite sufficient for normal use. If you are not sure what you are doing, stay with the first option until you are comfortable with KPML installation. (3) Following compilation KPML must be 'loaded'. If you load the file start-kpml.lisp then all the necessary files will be loaded and the KPML development interface will be brought up. If you are following the more KPML-INSTALLATION.lisp option and answer 'y' to the Load KPML question, then you will be left following loading in a Lisp listener and must start KPML yourself, typically by means of the function call (kpml-i::startup). You may also use KPML-INSTALLATION.lisp to compile and load versions of KPML that do not use the window interface, for blackbox generation, etc. NOTE (making images under Lispworks): Due to peculiarities of Lispworks, it is not possible to use the standard KPML image making files for saving out installed versions of the system for quick reloading: the directory KPML-IMAGE-SCRIPTS accordingly contains example image making scripts for use with Lispworks 4.0 and 4.1. It is possible to use these scripts for 'one step' installation, since they also contain all of the localization paths that are required. ------------------------------------------------------------------ DIRECTORY STRUCTURE. ==================== The particular files/directories to be found in the top-level KPML directory and their purposes are as follows (some of these, as marked by *, can be useful for various aspects of KPML's behaviour): Files: ------ * configuration.lisp the file where pathnames should be changed for installing the system. * KPML-INSTALLATION.lisp dialogue-driven installation/startup * install-kpml.lisp install KPML by compiling the source code * start-kpml.lisp load a compiled KPML and start the interface clisp-defsys.lisp definition of the CLISP Lisp package compile-kpml.lisp compiles KPML, normally not required by a user as it is called properly by KPML-INSTALLATION.lisp and install-kpml.lisp cond-defsystem.lisp a KPML-adapted version of Mark Kantrowitz's (2.1 addition) portable system definition facility (defsystem.lisp, see below) that is always loaded for KPML installations, regardless of whether someone else loaded another version previously. system-flag-defs.lisp a preinstallation configuration file called by KPML-INSTALLATION, install-kpml, and start-kpml to run the user dialog or configure are required. kpml-defsys.lisp definition of the KPML system. kpml-package-def.lisp definition of the KPML Lisp package * kpml-xdefaults a better appearance for the interface can be gained by assigning Lisp managed typefaces to particular operating system typefaces. This file contains an example that is useful for getting the menubars to look better under X-windows. * kpmlconf a simple KPML configuration file. * kpmlconf.template a template of the kinds of values that can be set up in a KPML configuration file. load-kpml.lisp loads KPML, normally not required by a user as it is called properly by KPML-INSTALLATION.lisp and start-kpml.lisp * selected-kpml-kr.lisp this file contains specific information for loading in a knowledge representation system to be used with KPML. The standard release contains that required for Loom (2.0, 2.1 and 3.0) as an example. version-utilities.lisp contains the utilities for easing moving (2.1 addition) between minor Lisp system updates (e.g., from ACL4.3 to 4.3.1 or from LWW4.0 to 4.1) without having to go and change conditionalization for things that have not changed in the Lisp versions. Directories: ------------ * README-files where all the various readme files for various parts of the system are now gathered. These include: README-kpml-installation.txt -- this file. README-loom-installation.txt -- very brief minimal instructions for installing Loom when Loom is being used as the knowledge representation language for the upper model and domain models. Note that *some* knowledge representation system is required, and Loom is assumed by default. * KPML-BIN-TEMPLATE a skeleton of the KPML directory structure that can be copied for use when the compiled binaries are to be kept in a different directory structure to the sources. * KPML-IMAGE-SCRIPTS a collection of scripts for making KPML images; generally for use where a Lisp does not support ready image making or for creation of standalone KPML versions for those who have bought the appropriate Lisp. Processes where all the sources live. clisp some of the very old code inherited from Penman still uses a pre-Common Lisp loop package, this is it. emacs where the Emacs-specific code lives. * patches where standardly released patches go: patches are made available at the KPML ftp-site (e.g., or similar: see the website for a direct link) and consists of files with a name such as `19990328-patches.tar.gz'. Gunzipping and untaring this gives directories with names such as `19990328-patches'. This should be renamed to `patches' always *replacing* the previous directory of that name. Under Unix Allegro this happens automatically whenever a gzipped tarred patchfile is places in the home KPML directory and a standard KPML image is started. With other Lisps you may have to give a helping hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------ DEVELOPMENT HISTORY =================== April/May 2002 - December 2004: KPML 4: this version. ----------------------------------------------------------------- March 2000 (University of Bremen) KPML 3.1 modifies the handling of windows internally and provides an additional window managing tool for closing some of the many windows that KPML sometimes produces in response to an information request. Also added are user interface access to the grammar consistency tests. KPML 3.1 is almost but not quite fully compatible with Allegro 5.0 for PCs: full compatibility will be pursued for the next release, especially if anyone says that they are waiting for it; if I am the only one using ACL 5.0 on a PC then it will not receive such a high priority. ------------------------------------------------------------------ October 1999 (University of Bremen) KPML 3.0 is a full new release including several new tools and a rearrangement of the windows and menu options. Installation for newcomers is also simplified. ------------------------------------------------------------------ June-September 1999 (University of Bremen) KPML 2.1 is a maintanance release that takes the functionality of KPML 2.0.62 as baseline. It includes improved support for recompilation under newer versions of the underlying Lisp system as well as some minor additions to the user interface. KPML 2.1 is compatible with at least ACL4.3, ACL4.3.1, ACL5.0, LWW4.0 and LWW4.1. A list of the patches 2.0.1-2.0.62 is appended at the end of this file; these are all included in the basecode from KPML 2.1 onwards. A note on the new conditionalization behaviour is also included below: this is relevant if you are going to add information or change definitions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ February-April 1998 (University of Stirling) KPML 2.0 contains considerably more user functionality than that documented in full (1.0.49) in the bound GMD Report (GMD Studie 304, available from Sankt Augustin) and the Web pages. There is a much increased range of graphical operations for interacting with grammars during generation as well as support for various language engineering and teaching enhancements. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The principal enhancments over releases prior to 2.0 are the following: * Support for running on PCs (Windows 95 and WindowsNT) is provided, with both Franz Allegro Common Lisp (3.0) and Harlequin LispWorks (4.0). In both cases CLIM 2 is required as usual. Unix support continues as before (with Allegro CL). * Graphical editing of systems, choosers, and inquiries is provided internally within KPML without accessing an external editor unless desired. * There are several additional `tools' that can be used with KPML-2.0 in an integrated fashion (e.g., the graphical grammar editor, subgrammar extractor, grammar explorer, coder, and the documentor). These are available separately and are documented on the Web. * Standalone free versions of KPML-2.0 for PCs are available without any license requirements. * Switching between knowledge representation systems is supported more positively. * All access to a lexicon is now made available as a small set of Common Lisp methods that users may freely specialize for individual languages, thus providing smooth access to external lexicons and/or morphology components. * A configuration file is consulted prior to starting any image (including standalone PC versions) so that it is easier to customize the operation of KPML to particular environments without needing to intervene from Lisp. * Interaction with WinEmacs for editing/creating resources with the ACL PC version is provided if required. * The Lisp-conditionalization behaviour is now as follows. Types of Lisp are fine and may be used to conditionalize behaviour (e.g., lispworks, allegro). Some one-offs are also ok (e.g., ACL3.0). Mostly, though, any versioned conditionalized is replaced by a range that begins with the mentioned version, e.g., if previously conditioned for Allegro-V4.2, this is now interpreted as any Allegro-V version that is 4.2 or greater, up until the next explicit conditionalization that is given (if any). DRAWBACKS OF CONDITIONALIZATION: as currently implemented all of the conditions are examined, that is, it is not the case as in reader conditionalization that Lisp does not even see the expression: this means that undefined packages or non-exported symbols will cause problems if they do not exist in the Lisp that is actually being used. To work around this, the entire condition range will usually be reader-conditionalized to make it more likely that the symbols referred to exist, external symbols will not be referred to as such (i.e., we write foo::bar instead of foo:bar even when foo:bar is possible), and some additional empty packages are defined when necessary so that nothing trips up compilation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ List of patches 2.0.2-2.0.62 :KPML-2.0.2 inspection from structure graph extensions (interface) :KPML-2.0.3 lexicalization extensions and regularization :KPML-2.0.4 example set file name taken from set name when saving :KPML-2.0.5 system editing problem incompatibility Unix/PC fixed (interface) :KPML-2.0.6 editing examples from example manager added (interface) :KPML-2.0.7 punctuation rule applicability test was not strict enough :KPML-2.0.8 patch from .3 was not prepared for reified pseudohubs :KPML-2.0.9 minor improvements to options for editing and graphing networks (interface) :KPML-2.0.10 cumulated history maintanence made more robust when generation is aborted :KPML-2.0.11 on the fly configurable inheritance of inflection behaviour for teaching :KPML-2.0.12 embedded literal numbers as SPL variables/instances fixed :KPML-2.0.13 example renaming/copying added to example manager (interface) :KPML-2.0.14 extended example target/generated mismatch mangement provided (interface) :KPML-2.0.15 language variety menu sometimes tried to get at non-existent frame (interface) :KPML-2.0.16 annoying check of saving user responses in environment suppressed by default :KPML-2.0.17 font flexibility (support for Cyrillic, etc. under Windows) improved (interface) :KPML-2.0.18 warnings during example running were not conditionalized for Lispworks-PC :KPML-2.0.19 window name of system editor changes to reflect changed name (interface) :KPML-2.0.20 configuration file reload provided in main menu (interface) :KPML-2.0.21 description format was written in DOS-mode, which wrecks a format :KPML-2.0.22 example runner extended to report mismatches :KPML-2.0.23 quit made more forceful for Lispworks :KPML-2.0.24 slight extensions to the example mismatch tool and HTML report :KPML-2.0.25 examples ordered more sensibly and tidily in displays, menus, etc. :KPML-2.0.26 some nonprototypical coder structures were escaping highlighting (interface) :KPML-2.0.27 language abbreviation property errors corrected. :KPML-2.0.28 system network updated automatically when a change exported. :KPML-2.0.29 previous patch made compatible and partially replace 2.0.5 and 2.0.9 for both Unix and PC :KPML-2.0.30 delete system action added to network graph possibilities :KPML-2.0.31 local and nonlocal resource set handling :KPML-2.0.32 selection expressions in examples corrected for single lists :KPML-2.0.33 pruning of system networks to show generation paths :KPML-2.0.34 realization statement boxes in graphs filled properly :KPML-2.0.35 setting region made more effective from system editing windows :KPML-2.0.36 system editing window (2.0.19) now reflects current name for Unix too. :KPML-2.0.37 extra function for forcing recompilation of kpml patches defined. :KPML-2.0.38 patch of 2.0.32 extended to include selection expressions. :KPML-2.0.39 resetting with multilingual resources missing preselection paths fixed. :KPML-2.0.40 extension to the agreement realization operator :KPML-2.0.41 language variety surveys and overviews extension :KPML-2.0.42 resource change protocol made more robust for oversensitive PCs :KPML-2.0.43 extensions to the region overview interface :KPML-2.0.44 hardcopy fix and more information in structure graphs :KPML-2.0.45 cancel/quit buttons in patches warning on quit made more intuitive :KPML-2.0.46 patch 2.0.39 was still not quite right. Fixed. :KPML-2.0.47 case sensitivity and other options added to example mismatch reports :KPML-2.0.48 example clearing was leaving traces around. Fixed (interface). :KPML-2.0.49 some structure graphs and others made extra robust (interface) :KPML-2.0.50 local resource directory setting added to environment dirs (interface) :KPML-2.0.51 chooser removal added to system editor :KPML-2.0.52 further extensions/corrections to the agreement realization operator :KPML-2.0.53 language specialization was wrong in created string cleanup declarations :KPML-2.0.54 traverse grammar command added (interface) :KPML-2.0.55 reload last loaded example, lexicon and indirectly specified files :KPML-2.0.56 obscure term-type-p oversight patch :KPML-2.0.57 extra cautious (Lispworks only) realization statement dialog box option. :KPML-2.0.58 more informative options setting frame provided (interface) :KPML-2.0.59 writing out of examples/lexemes when versioning active fixed (interface) :KPML-2.0.60 language range in multilingual resource sets and spl keyword fix :KPML-2.0.61 more robust progess noting during example running from interface :KPML-2.0.62 parameterization of no realization and lexical gap strings ---------------------- For development history prior to version 2.0, see the documentation published by the GMD at Sankt Augustin in 1996. (Previously at but this WWW domain no longer exists.)