;; KPML configuration file for getting started... ;; ;; TO USE THIS FILE, SAVE IT WITH THE NAME "kpmlconf.novice" WITHOUT ;; FURTHER FILE EXTENSION!! ;; ;; Make sure that this file is never written out from a word processing program ;; in anything but *plain text*!!! It can be placed in the same directory/folder ;; as the root KPML installation or in several other places as described in the ;; documentation. ;; ;; change the following line to show where your resources are to be kept *root-of-resources* "C:\\SomePlaceOrOther\\Resources\\INTRODUCTORY-RESOURCES\\" ;; alternatively, you can keep your own resources here: *local-root-of-resources* "A:\\" ;; don't worry about the following for the present... *ml-loading-mode* :multilingual *editing-protocol* nil *versioning* nil kpml-i::*kpml-editing-method* ((:system . :kpml)(:chooser . :kpml)(:inquiry . :kpml)(:spl-term . :emacs)(:inq-impl . :emacs)(:lexeme . :kpml)) realize-selectively-flag T show-constituent-starts T