library GUM %% developers: University of Bremen, SFB/TR8 Spatial Cognition, I1-[OntoSpace] %% The Generalized Upper Model 3.0 (GUM 3.0) is a linguistically motivated ontology, which aims primarily to mediate between natural language and application components. It is based on the semantic perspective of natural language as described in Halliday and Matthiessen [1999]. Therefore the concepts of the GUM ontology are influenced strongly by the lexicogrammar of natural language and they are applicable in arbitrary domains. The complete model and all of its concepts and principles are described in detail in Bateman et al. [2006a], its underlying experimental linguistic results and language analysis are documented in Bateman et al. [2006b]. This version of the Generalized Upper Model 3.0 is expressed in CASL. %% GUM 3.0 is extended by a spatial module for dealing particularly with spatial language. %% license: logic CASL_DL %%------------------------ %% GUM_Taxonomy %%------------------------ spec GUM_Taxonomy = sorts Configuration, Element, MultiConfiguration < Thing forall x: Configuration . not(x in Element \/ x in MultiConfiguration) forall x: Element . not(x in MultiConfiguration) sorts BeingAndHaving, DoingAndHappening, SayingAndSensing < Configuration forall x: BeingAndHaving . not(x in DoingAndHappening \/ x in SayingAndSensing) forall x: DoingAndHappening . not(x in SayingAndSensing) sorts Existence, Relating < BeingAndHaving forall x: Existence . not(x in Relating) sorts Circumstantial, GeneralizedPossession, GeneralizedPossessionInverse, Intensive < Relating forall x: Circumstantial . not(x in GeneralizedPossession \/ x in GeneralizedPossessionInverse \/ x in Intensive) forall x: GeneralizedPossession . not(x in GeneralizedPossessionInverse \/ x in Intensive) forall x: GeneralizedPossessionInverse . not(x in Intensive) sorts Causal, CircumstantialOther, GeneralizedLocating < Circumstantial forall x: Causal . not(x in CircumstantialOther \/ x in GeneralizedLocating) forall x: CircumstantialOther . not(x in GeneralizedLocating) sorts AscriptionInverse, GeneralizedRoleRelation, NameOf, Ownership, PartWhole < GeneralizedPossession forall x: AscriptionInverse . not(x in GeneralizedRoleRelation \/ x in NameOf \/ x in Ownership \/ x in PartWhole) forall x: GeneralizedRoleRelation . not(x in NameOf \/ x in Ownership \/ x in PartWhole) forall x: NameOf . not(x in Ownership \/ x in PartWhole) forall x: Ownership . not(x in PartWhole) sorts PropertyOf < AscriptionInverse sorts Part < PartWhole sorts ElementList < Part sorts OwnedBy, PartOf < GeneralizedPossessionInverse forall x: OwnedBy . not(x in PartOf) sorts ElementOf < PartOf sorts Ascription, Identity, Symbolization < Intensive forall x: Ascription . not(x in Identity \/ x in Symbolization) forall x: Identity . not(x in Symbolization) sorts PropertyAscription, QuantityAscription < Ascription forall x: PropertyAscription . not(x in QuantityAscription) sorts AgePropertyAscription, ColorPropertyAscription, LogicalPropertyAscription, MaterialPropertyAscription, ModalPropertyAscription, ProvenancePropertyAscription, ScaledComparison, SizePropertyAscription, UsePropertyAscription < PropertyAscription forall x: AgePropertyAscription . not(x in ColorPropertyAscription \/ x in LogicalPropertyAscription \/ x in MaterialPropertyAscription \/ x in ModalPropertyAscription \/ x in ProvenancePropertyAscription \/ x in ScaledComparison \/ x in SizePropertyAscription \/ x in UsePropertyAscription) forall x: ColorPropertyAscription . not(x in LogicalPropertyAscription \/ x in MaterialPropertyAscription \/ x in ModalPropertyAscription \/ x in ProvenancePropertyAscription \/ x in ScaledComparison \/ x in SizePropertyAscription \/ x in UsePropertyAscription) forall x: LogicalPropertyAscription . not(x in MaterialPropertyAscription \/ x in ModalPropertyAscription \/ x in ProvenancePropertyAscription \/ x in ScaledComparison \/ x in SizePropertyAscription \/ x in UsePropertyAscription) forall x: MaterialPropertyAscription . not(x in ModalPropertyAscription \/ x in ProvenancePropertyAscription \/ x in ScaledComparison \/ x in SizePropertyAscription \/ x in UsePropertyAscription) forall x: ModalPropertyAscription . not(x in ProvenancePropertyAscription \/ x in ScaledComparison \/ x in SizePropertyAscription \/ x in UsePropertyAscription) forall x: ProvenancePropertyAscription . not(x in ScaledComparison \/ x in SizePropertyAscription \/ x in UsePropertyAscription) forall x: ScaledComparison . not(x in SizePropertyAscription \/ x in UsePropertyAscription) forall x: SizePropertyAscription . not(x in UsePropertyAscription) sorts GreaterThanComparison, LessThanComparison < ScaledComparison forall x: GreaterThanComparison . not(x in LessThanComparison) sorts NumberFocusing, Quantity < QuantityAscription forall x: NumberFocusing . not(x in Quantity) sorts AtLeast, AtMost, Exactly, GreaterThan, LessThan < NumberFocusing forall x: AtLeast . not(x in AtMost \/ x in Exactly \/ x in GreaterThan \/ x in LessThan) forall x: AtMost . not(x in Exactly \/ x in GreaterThan \/ x in LessThan) forall x: Exactly . not(x in GreaterThan \/ x in LessThan) forall x: GreaterThan . not(x in LessThan) sorts NameRelation, RolePlaying, Signification < Symbolization forall x: NameRelation . not(x in RolePlaying \/ x in Signification) forall x: RolePlaying . not(x in Signification) sorts AffectingAction, NonAffectingAction < DoingAndHappening forall x: AffectingAction . not(x in NonAffectingAction) sorts CreativeMaterialAction, DispositiveMaterialAction < AffectingAction forall x: CreativeMaterialAction . not(x in DispositiveMaterialAction) sorts NameEvent < DispositiveMaterialAction sorts Ambience, NonAffectingDoing, NonAffectingHappening < NonAffectingAction forall x: Ambience . not(x in NonAffectingDoing \/ x in NonAffectingHappening) forall x: NonAffectingDoing . not(x in NonAffectingHappening) sorts Hailing, Raining, Snowing, Sunning, Winding < Ambience forall x: Hailing . not(x in Raining \/ x in Snowing \/ x in Sunning \/ x in Winding) forall x: Raining . not(x in Snowing \/ x in Sunning \/ x in Winding) forall x: Snowing . not(x in Sunning \/ x in Winding) forall x: Sunning . not(x in Winding) sorts External, Internal < SayingAndSensing forall x: External . not(x in Internal) sorts BehavioralVerbal, NameEvent, ProperVerbal < External forall x: BehavioralVerbal . not(x in NameEvent \/ x in ProperVerbal) forall x: NameEvent . not(x in ProperVerbal) sorts Addressing, NonAddressing < BehavioralVerbal forall x: Addressing . not(x in NonAddressing) sorts AddresseeOriented, MessageOriented, NonAddresseeOriented, NonMessageOriented < ProperVerbal forall x: AddresseeOriented . not(x in MessageOriented \/ x in NonAddresseeOriented) forall x: MessageOriented . not(x in NonMessageOriented) sorts AddressingVerbal < AddresseeOriented sorts MessageTransfer < MessageOriented sorts CommunicativeAttitude, MessageTransfer < NonAddresseeOriented sorts AddressingVerbal, CommunicativeAttitude < NonMessageOriented sorts Cognition, Intention, MentalActive, MentalInactive, Perception, ReactionAndEmotion < Internal forall x: Cognition . not(x in Intention \/ x in MentalActive \/ x in MentalInactive \/ x in Perception \/ x in ReactionAndEmotion) forall x: Intention . not(x in MentalActive \/ x in MentalInactive \/ x in Perception \/ x in ReactionAndEmotion) forall x: MentalActive . not(x in MentalInactive \/ x in Perception \/ x in ReactionAndEmotion) forall x: MentalInactive . not(x in Perception \/ x in ReactionAndEmotion) forall x: Perception . not(x in ReactionAndEmotion) sorts Believe, Know, Think < Cognition forall x: Believe . not(x in Know \/ x in Think) forall x: Know . not(x in Think) sorts Disliking, Fearing, Liking < ReactionAndEmotion forall x: Disliking . not(x in Fearing \/ x in Liking) forall x: Fearing . not(x in Liking) sorts Striving, Wanting < Liking forall x: Striving . not(x in Wanting) sorts Circumstance, Process, SimpleQuality, SimpleThing < Element forall x: Circumstance . not(x in SimpleQuality \/ x in Process \/ x in SimpleThing) forall x: SimpleQuality . not(x in Process \/ x in SimpleThing) forall x: Process . not(x in SimpleThing) sorts SubjectMatter < Circumstance sorts DiffuseMatter, SpecificMatter < SubjectMatter forall x: DiffuseMatter . not(x in SpecificMatter) sorts ClassAscription, LogicalQuality, MaterialWorldQuality, ModalQuality < SimpleQuality forall x: ClassAscription . not(x in LogicalQuality \/ x in MaterialWorldQuality \/ x in ModalQuality) forall x: LogicalQuality . not(x in MaterialWorldQuality \/ x in ModalQuality) forall x: MaterialWorldQuality . not(x in ModalQuality) sorts LogicalUniqueness < LogicalQuality sorts DynamicQuality, NonScalableQuality, PolarQuality, ScalableQuality, StativeQuality, TaxonomicQuality < MaterialWorldQuality forall x: DynamicQuality . not(x in NonScalableQuality \/ x in StativeQuality \/ x in TaxonomicQuality) forall x: NonScalableQuality . not(x in ScalableQuality) forall x: PolarQuality . not(x in TaxonomicQuality) forall x: ScalableQuality . not(x in TaxonomicQuality) sorts BehavioralQuality < DynamicQuality sorts ClassQuality, StatusQuality < NonScalableQuality forall x: ClassQuality . not(x in StatusQuality) sorts MaterialClassQuality, ProvenanceClassQuality < ClassQuality forall x: MaterialClassQuality . not(x in ProvenanceClassQuality) sorts BehavioralQuality, EvaluativeQuality, SenseAndMeasureQuality, StatusQuality < PolarQuality forall x: BehavioralQuality . not(x in EvaluativeQuality \/ x in SenseAndMeasureQuality \/ x in StatusQuality) forall x: EvaluativeQuality . not(x in SenseAndMeasureQuality \/ x in StatusQuality) forall x: SenseAndMeasureQuality . not(x in StatusQuality) sorts Age, Color, Size < SenseAndMeasureQuality forall x: Age . not(x in Color \/ x in Size) forall x: Color . not(x in Size) sorts BehavioralQuality, EvaluativeQuality, SenseAndMeasureQuality < ScalableQuality forall x: BehavioralQuality . not(x in EvaluativeQuality \/ x in SenseAndMeasureQuality) forall x: EvaluativeQuality . not(x in SenseAndMeasureQuality) sorts ClassQuality, EvaluativeQuality, SenseAndMeasureQuality, StatusQuality < StativeQuality forall x: ClassQuality . not(x in EvaluativeQuality \/ x in SenseAndMeasureQuality \/ x in StatusQuality) forall x: EvaluativeQuality . not(x in SenseAndMeasureQuality \/ x in StatusQuality) forall x: SenseAndMeasureQuality . not(x in StatusQuality) sorts ClassQuality < TaxonomicQuality sorts Conditional, NonConditional, NonVolitional, Volitional < ModalQuality forall x: Conditional . not(x in NonConditional \/ x in NonVolitional \/ x in Volitional) forall x: NonConditional . not(x in NonVolitional \/ x in Volitional) forall x: NonVolitional . not(x in Volitional) sorts Necessity, Possibility < NonVolitional forall x: Necessity . not(x in Possibility) sorts Ability, GeneralPossibility < Possibility forall x: Ability . not(x in GeneralPossibility) sorts ConsciousBeing, DecomposableObject, NamedObject, NonConsciousThing, NonDecomposableObject < SimpleThing forall x: ConsciousBeing . not(x in NonConsciousThing) forall x: DecomposableObject . not(x in NonDecomposableObject) sorts Person < ConsciousBeing sorts Female, Male < Person forall x: Female . not(x in Male) sorts OrderedObject, UMSet < DecomposableObject sorts OrderedSet, SpaceInterval, TimeInterval < OrderedObject forall x: OrderedSet . not(x in SpaceInterval \/ x in TimeInterval) forall x: SpaceInterval . not(x in TimeInterval) sorts OneOrTwoDLocation, ThreeDLocation < SpaceInterval forall x: OneOrTwoDLocation . not(x in ThreeDLocation) sorts Future, OneOrTwoDTime, Past, Present, ThreeDTime < TimeInterval forall x: Future . not(x in OneOrTwoDTime \/ x in Past \/ x in Present \/ x in ThreeDTime) forall x: OneOrTwoDTime . not(x in Past \/ x in Present \/ x in ThreeDTime) forall x: Past . not(x in Present \/ x in ThreeDTime) forall x: Present . not(x in ThreeDTime) sorts DisjunctiveSet, OrderedSet < UMSet forall x: DisjunctiveSet . not(x in OrderedSet) sorts Abstraction, SpatialTemporal, Substance < NonConsciousThing forall x: Abstraction . not(x in SpatialTemporal \/ x in Substance) forall x: SpatialTemporal . not(x in Substance) sorts NaturalNumber, UMSet, Word < Abstraction forall x: NaturalNumber . not(x in UMSet \/ x in Word) forall x: UMSet . not(x in Word) sorts Name < Word sorts SpatialObject, TemporalObject < SpatialTemporal forall x: SpatialObject . not(x in TemporalObject) sorts Space, SpaceInterval, SpacePoint < SpatialObject forall x: Space . not(x in SpaceInterval \/ x in SpacePoint) forall x: SpaceInterval . not(x in SpacePoint) sorts ZeroDLocation < SpacePoint sorts Time, TimeInterval, TimePoint < TemporalObject forall x: Time . not(x in TimeInterval \/ x in TimePoint) forall x: TimeInterval . not(x in TimePoint) sorts ZeroDTime < TimePoint sorts Space, Time < Substance forall x: Space . not(x in Time) sorts SpacePoint, Substance, TimePoint < NonDecomposableObject forall x: SpacePoint . not(x in Substance \/ x in TimePoint) forall x: Substance . not(x in TimePoint) sorts Expansion, Projection < MultiConfiguration forall x: Expansion . not(x in Projection) sorts Elaboration, Enhancement, Extension < Expansion forall x: Elaboration . not(x in Enhancement \/ x in Extension) forall x: Enhancement . not(x in Extension) sorts Conjunction, Disjunction < Extension forall x: Conjunction . not(x in Disjunction) sorts IdeaProjection, LocutionProjection, Quoting, Reporting < Projection forall x: IdeaProjection . not(x in LocutionProjection) forall x: Quoting . not(x in Reporting) sorts IdeaQuoting, IdeaReporting < IdeaProjection forall x: IdeaQuoting . not(x in IdeaReporting) sorts LocutionQuoting, LocutionReporting < LocutionProjection forall x: LocutionQuoting . not(x in LocutionReporting) sorts IdeaQuoting, LocutionQuoting < Quoting forall x: IdeaQuoting . not(x in LocutionQuoting) sorts IdeaReporting, LocutionReporting < Reporting forall x: IdeaReporting . not(x in LocutionReporting) end %%------------------------ %% GUM relations %%------------------------ spec GUM_Relations = GUM_Taxonomy then preds accompaniment : Thing * SimpleThing; actee : Thing * Thing; actor : Thing * Thing; additive : Thing * SimpleThing; addressee : External * Thing; agentive : Thing * Element; alphaParticipantInMultiConfiguration : MultiConfiguration * Configuration; alphaParticipantInMultiConfiguration : MultiConfiguration * MultiConfiguration; alternative : Thing * SimpleThing; anterior : Thing * Element; attribuend : Thing * Thing; attribute : Thing * Thing; beneficiary : Thing * Thing; betaParticipantInMultiConfiguration : MultiConfiguration * Configuration; betaParticipantInMultiConfiguration : MultiConfiguration * MultiConfiguration; carrier : Thing * SimpleThing; causalRelation : Thing * Element; causeEffect : Thing * Element; circumstanceInConfiguration : Thing * Element; client : Thing * Element; compareQuality : Thing * Thing; comparison : Thing * Element; concessive : Thing * Element; concurrent : Thing * Element; condition : Thing * Element; difference : Thing * Element; domain : Thing * Thing; enablement : Thing * Element; exclusive : Thing * SimpleThing; exhaustiveDuration : Thing * TemporalObject; existent : Existence * Thing; extremal : Thing * Element; follow : Thing * Element; generalizedMeans : Thing * Element; greater : Thing * Thing; gumrelation : Thing * Thing; hasConjunct : Thing * Thing; hasDisjunct : Thing * Thing; hasElaboration : Element * Thing; hasEnhancement : Element * Thing; hasExtension : Element * Thing; hasModification : Element * Thing; inclusive : Thing * SimpleThing; instrumental : Thing * Element; lesser : Thing * Thing; manner : Thing * Element; material : Thing * Thing; metaMessage : Thing * Thing; nonExhaustiveDuration : Thing * TemporalObject; nonExtremal : Thing * Element; nonMetaMessage : Thing * Thing; orderingRelation : Thing * Element; participantInConfiguration : Thing * Thing; participantInMultiConfiguration : MultiConfiguration * Configuration; participantInMultiConfiguration : MultiConfiguration * MultiConfiguration; phenomenon : Internal * Thing; possessed : Thing * Thing; possessor : Thing * Thing; posteriorExtremal : Thing * Element; posterior : Thing * Element; precede : Thing * Element; processInConfiguration : Configuration * Process; processRange : DoingAndHappening * Thing; prompt : Thing * Thing; purpose : Thing * Element; qualitativeTemporalExtent : Thing * TemporalObject; quantitativeTemporalExtent : Thing * TemporalObject; range : Thing * Thing; reason : Thing * Element; recipient : Thing * Thing; Result : Thing * Thing; sayer : External * Thing; saying : Thing * Thing; senser : Internal * ConsciousBeing; similarity : Thing * Element; since : Thing * Element; spatialCircumstance : Thing * Element; spatialTemporalCircumstance : Thing * Element; standard : Thing * Thing; subjectMatter : Thing * Element; temporalCircumstance : Thing * Element; temporalCircumstance : Thing * Element; temporalExtent : Thing * TemporalObject; temporalInclusive : Thing * Element; temporalLocating : Thing * Element; temporalNonOrdering : Thing * Element; temporalOrdering : Thing * Element; temporalRelation : Thing * Element; then forall c: Configuration; cB: ConsciousBeing; dAH: DoingAndHappening; e: Element; exi: Existence; ext: External; int: Internal; mC, mC0: MultiConfiguration; p: Process; sT: SimpleThing; t, t0: Thing; tempO: TemporalObject . accompaniment(t,sT) => circumstanceInConfiguration(t,sT) . actee(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . actor(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . additive(e,sT) => accompaniment(e,sT) . addressee(ext,t) => participantInConfiguration(ext,t) . agentive(t,e) => generalizedMeans(t,e) . agentive(t,e) => participantInConfiguration(t,e) . alphaParticipantInMultiConfiguration(mC,c) => participantInMultiConfiguration(mC,c) . alphaParticipantInMultiConfiguration(mC,mC0) => participantInMultiConfiguration(mC,mC0) . alternative(e,sT) => accompaniment(e,sT) . anterior(t,e) => temporalOrdering(t,e) . attribuend(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . attribute(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . beneficiary(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . betaParticipantInMultiConfiguration(mC,c) => participantInMultiConfiguration(mC,c) . betaParticipantInMultiConfiguration(mC,mC0) => participantInMultiConfiguration(mC,mC0) . carrier(t,sT) => domain(t,sT) . causalRelation(t,e) => circumstanceInConfiguration(t,e) . causeEffect(t,e) => causalRelation(t,e) . circumstanceInConfiguration(t,e) => gumrelation(t,e) . client(t,e) => beneficiary(t,e) . client(t,e) => causalRelation(t,e) . compareQuality(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . comparison(t,e) => circumstanceInConfiguration(t,e) . concessive(t,e) => causalRelation(t,e) . concurrent(t,e) => temporalOrdering(t,e) . condition(t,e) => reason(t,e) . difference(t,e) => comparison(t,e) . domain(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . enablement(t,e) => generalizedMeans(t,e) . exclusive(e,sT) => accompaniment(e,sT) . exhaustiveDuration(t,tempO) => qualitativeTemporalExtent(t,tempO) . existent(exi,t) => participantInConfiguration(exi,t) . extremal(t,e) => temporalOrdering(t,e) . follow(t,e) => nonExtremal(t,e) . generalizedMeans(t,e) => circumstanceInConfiguration(t,e) . greater(t,t0) => attribuend(t,t0) . hasConjunct(t,t0) => gumrelation(t,t0) . hasDisjunct(t,t0) => gumrelation(t,t0) . hasElaboration(e,t) => hasModification(e,t) . hasEnhancement(e,t) => hasModification(e,t) . hasExtension(e,t) => hasModification(e,t) . hasModification(e,t0) => gumrelation(e,t0) . inclusive(e,sT) => accompaniment(e,sT) . instrumental(t,e) => generalizedMeans(t,e) . lesser(t,t0) => attribuend(t,t0) . manner(t,e) => generalizedMeans(t,e) . material(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . metaMessage(t,t0) => saying(t,t0) . nonExhaustiveDuration(t,tempO) => qualitativeTemporalExtent(t,tempO) . nonExtremal(t,e) => temporalOrdering(t,e) . nonMetaMessage(t,t0) => saying(t,t0) . orderingRelation(t,e) => circumstanceInConfiguration(t,e) . participantInConfiguration(t,t0) => gumrelation(t,t0) . participantInMultiConfiguration(mC,c) => gumrelation(mC,c) . participantInMultiConfiguration(mC,mC0) => gumrelation(mC,mC0) . phenomenon(int,t) => participantInConfiguration(int,t) . possessed(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . possessor(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . posteriorExtremal(t,e) => extremal(t,e) . posteriorExtremal(t,e) => posterior(t,e) . posterior(t,e) => temporalOrdering(t,e) . precede(t,e) => anterior(t,e) . precede(t,e) => nonExtremal(t,e) . processInConfiguration(c,p) => gumrelation(c,p) . processRange(dAH,t) => actee(dAH,t) . prompt(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . purpose(t,e) => causalRelation(t,e) . qualitativeTemporalExtent(t,tempO) => temporalExtent(t,tempO) . quantitativeTemporalExtent(t,tempO) => temporalExtent(t,tempO) . range(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . reason(t,e) => causalRelation(t,e) . recipient(t,t0) => beneficiary(t,t0) . Result(t,t0) => actee(t,t0) . sayer(ext,t) => participantInConfiguration(ext,t) . saying(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . senser(int,cB) => participantInConfiguration(int,cB) . similarity(t,e) => comparison(t,e) . since(t,e) => posteriorExtremal(t,e) . spatialCircumstance(t,e) => spatialTemporalCircumstance(t,e) . spatialTemporalCircumstance(t,e) => circumstanceInConfiguration(t,e) . standard(t,t0) => participantInConfiguration(t,t0) . subjectMatter(t,e) => circumstanceInConfiguration(t,e) . temporalCircumstance(t,e) => spatialTemporalCircumstance(t,e) . temporalExtent(t,tempO) => temporalCircumstance(t,tempO) . temporalInclusive(t,e) => concurrent(t,e) . temporalLocating(t,e) => temporalRelation(t,e) . temporalNonOrdering(t,e) => temporalLocating(t,e) . temporalOrdering(t,e) => orderingRelation(t,e) . temporalOrdering(t,e) => temporalLocating(t,e) . temporalRelation(t,e) => temporalCircumstance(t,e) %% Restrictions forall x: AddresseeOriented . minCardinality[addressee](x,1) forall x: Addressing . minCardinality[addressee](x,1) forall x: AffectingAction . minCardinality[actee](x,1) forall x: AgePropertyAscription; y: Thing . attribute(x,y) => y in Age forall x: ColorPropertyAscription; y: Thing . attribute(x,y) => y in Color forall x: Configuration . cardinality[processInConfiguration](x,1) forall x: DoingAndHappening . minCardinality[actor](x,1) \/ minCardinality[agentive](x,1) forall x: Existence . minCardinality[existent](x,1) forall x: External . cardinality[sayer](x,1) forall x: GreaterThanComparison; y: Thing . attribute(x,y) => y in GreaterThan forall x: Internal . cardinality[senser](x,1) forall x: LessThanComparison; y: Thing . attribute(x,y) => y in LessThan forall x: MaterialPropertyAscription; y: Thing . attribute(x,y) => y in MaterialClassQuality forall x: MessageOriented . minCardinality[saying](x,1) forall x: ModalPropertyAscription; y: Thing . attribute(x,y) => y in ModalQuality forall x: MultiConfiguration . exists y: Configuration . alphaParticipantInMultiConfiguration(x,y) \/ exists y: MultiConfiguration . alphaParticipantInMultiConfiguration(x,y) . exists y: Configuration . betaParticipantInMultiConfiguration(x,y) \/ exists y: MultiConfiguration . betaParticipantInMultiConfiguration(x,y) forall x: NonAddressing . cardinality[addressee](x,1) forall x: ProvenancePropertyAscription; y: Thing . attribute(x,y) => y in ProvenanceClassQuality forall x: Relating . cardinality[attribute](x,1) . cardinality[domain](x,1) forall x: SizePropertyAscription; y: Thing . attribute(x,y) => y in Size end %%------------------------ %% GUM Modules Interface %%------------------------ spec GUM_Modules_Interface = GUM_Taxonomy with Circumstance |-> GUM_Circumstance, DispositiveMaterialAction |-> GUM_DispositiveMaterialAction, Element |-> GUM_Element, GeneralizedLocating |-> GUM_GeneralizedLocating, NonAffectingDoing |-> GUM_NonAffectingDoing, SimpleQuality |-> GUM_SimpleQuality, SpatialTemporal |-> GUM_SpatialTemporal then sorts DispositiveMaterialAction < AffectingAction forall x: DispositiveMaterialAction . not(x in CreativeMaterialAction) sorts GUM_DispositiveMaterialAction, GUM_Spatial_DispositiveMaterialAction < DispositiveMaterialAction forall x: GUM_DispositiveMaterialAction . not(x in GUM_Spatial_DispositiveMaterialAction) sorts GeneralizedLocating < Circumstantial forall x: GeneralizedLocating . not(x in Causal \/ x in CircumstantialOther) sorts GUM_GeneralizedLocating, GUM_Spatial_GeneralizedLocating < GeneralizedLocating forall x: GUM_GeneralizedLocating . not(x in GUM_Spatial_GeneralizedLocating) sorts Circumstance, SimpleQuality < GUM_Element forall x: Circumstance . not(x in Process \/ x in SimpleQuality \/ x in SimpleThing) forall x: SimpleQuality . not(x in Process \/ x in SimpleThing) sorts GUM_Circumstance, GUM_Spatial_Circumstance < Circumstance forall x: GUM_Circumstance . not(x in GUM_Spatial_Circumstance) sorts GUM_SimpleQuality, GUM_Spatial_SimpleQuality < SimpleQuality forall x: GUM_SimpleQuality . not(x in GUM_Spatial_SimpleQuality) sorts NonAffectingDoing < NonAffectingAction forall x: NonAffectingDoing . not(x in Ambience \/ x in NonAffectingHappening) sorts GUM_NonAffectingDoing, GUM_Spatial_NonAffectingDoing < NonAffectingDoing forall x: GUM_NonAffectingDoing . not(x in GUM_Spatial_NonAffectingDoing) sorts SpatialTemporal < NonConsciousThing forall x: SpatialTemporal . not(x in Abstraction \/ x in Substance) sorts GUM_SpatialTemporal, GUM_Spatial_SpatialTemporal < SpatialTemporal forall x: GUM_SpatialTemporal . not(x in GUM_Spatial_SpatialTemporal) sorts Element < Thing forall x: Element . not(x in Configuration \/ x in MultiConfiguration) sorts GUM_Element, GUM_Spatial_Element < Element forall x: GUM_Element . not(x in GUM_Spatial_Element) end %%------------------------ %% GUM_Spatial_Taxonomy %%------------------------ spec GUM_Spatial_Taxonomy = GUM_Modules_Interface then sorts GeneralizedLocation, GeneralizedRoute < GUM_Spatial_Circumstance forall x: GeneralizedLocation . not(x in GeneralizedRoute) sorts GeneralizedComplexLocation, GeneralizedPathLocation < GeneralizedLocation forall x: GeneralizedComplexLocation . not(x in GeneralizedPathLocation) sorts AffectingSpatialAction < GUM_Spatial_DispositiveMaterialAction sorts AffectingMotion, AffectingOrienting < AffectingSpatialAction forall x: AffectingMotion . not(x in AffectingOrienting) sorts AffectingDirectedMotion, AffectingOrientationChange, AffectingSimpleMotion < AffectingMotion forall x: AffectingDirectedMotion . not(x in AffectingOrientationChange \/ x in AffectingSimpleMotion) forall x: AffectingOrientationChange . not(x in AffectingSimpleMotion) sorts SpatialModality < GUM_Spatial_Element sorts FunctionalSpatialModality, RelativeSpatialModality, SpatialDistanceModality < SpatialModality sorts Access, Control, DenialOfFunctionalControl < FunctionalSpatialModality forall x: Access . not(x in Control \/ x in DenialOfFunctionalControl) forall x: Control . not(x in DenialOfFunctionalControl) sorts FrontProjectionExternal, OverProjectionExternal, Proximal, Sequential, Surrounding, UnderProjectionExternal < Access forall x: FrontProjectionExternal . not(x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in Proximal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in Surrounding \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: OverProjectionExternal . not(x in Proximal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in Surrounding \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: Proximal . not(x in Sequential \/ x in Surrounding \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: Sequential . not(x in Surrounding \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: Surrounding . not(x in UnderProjectionExternal) sorts Containment, Support < Control forall x: Containment . not(x in Support) sorts PathRepresentingInternal < Support sorts Connection, Disjointness, Distribution, Parthood, ProjectionRelation, ShapeCommitting < RelativeSpatialModality forall x: Connection . not(x in Disjointness \/ x in Distribution) forall x: Disjointness . not(x in Distribution \/ x in Parthood \/ x in ShapeCommitting) forall x: Distribution . not(x in Parthood \/ x in ProjectionRelation \/ x in ShapeCommitting) forall x: ProjectionRelation . not(x in ShapeCommitting) sorts AboveProjectionInternal, BackProjectionInternal, BelowProjectionInternal, Central, EastInternal, FrontProjectionInternal, LeftProjectionInternal, NorthInternal, Peripheral, RightProjectionInternal, SouthInternal, WestInternal < Parthood forall x : AboveProjectionInternal . not(x in BackProjectionInternal \/ x in BelowProjectionInternal \/ x in Central \/ x in EastInternal \/ x in FrontProjectionInternal \/ x in LeftProjectionInternal \/ x in NorthInternal \/ x in Peripheral \/ x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : BackProjectionInternal . not(x in BelowProjectionInternal \/ x in Central \/ x in EastInternal \/ x in FrontProjectionInternal \/ x in LeftProjectionInternal \/ x in NorthInternal \/ x in Peripheral \/ x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : BelowProjectionInternal . not(x in Central \/ x in EastInternal \/ x in FrontProjectionInternal \/ x in LeftProjectionInternal \/ x in NorthInternal \/ x in Peripheral \/ x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : Central . not(x in EastInternal \/ x in FrontProjectionInternal \/ x in LeftProjectionInternal \/ x in NorthInternal \/ x in Peripheral \/ x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : EastInternal . not(x in FrontProjectionInternal \/ x in LeftProjectionInternal \/ x in NorthInternal \/ x in Peripheral \/ x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : FrontProjectionInternal . not(x in LeftProjectionInternal \/ x in NorthInternal \/ x in Peripheral \/ x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : LeftProjectionInternal . not(x in NorthInternal \/ x in Peripheral \/ x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : NorthInternal . not(x in Peripheral \/ x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : Peripheral . not(x in RightProjectionInternal \/ x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : RightProjectionInternal . not(x in SouthInternal \/ x in WestInternal) forall x : SouthInternal . not(x in WestInternal) sorts AboveProjectionExternal, BackProjectionExternal, BelowProjectionExternal, DenialOfFunctionalControl, DirectionalRelation, EastExternal, FrontProjectionExternal, LeftProjectionExternal, NonProjectionAxial, NorthExternal, OverProjectionExternal, RightProjectionExternal, Sequential, SouthExternal, UnderProjectionExternal, WestExternal < Disjointness forall x : AboveProjectionExternal . not(x in BackProjectionExternal \/ x in BelowProjectionExternal \/ x in DenialOfFunctionalControl \/ x in DirectionalRelation \/ x in EastExternal \/ x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : BackProjectionExternal . not(x in BelowProjectionExternal \/ x in DenialOfFunctionalControl \/ x in DirectionalRelation \/ x in EastExternal \/ x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : BelowProjectionExternal . not(x in DenialOfFunctionalControl \/ x in DirectionalRelation \/ x in EastExternal \/ x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : DenialOfFunctionalControl . not(x in DirectionalRelation \/ x in EastExternal \/ x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : DirectionalRelation . not(x in EastExternal \/ x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : EastExternal . not(x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : FrontProjectionExternal . not(x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : LeftProjectionExternal . not(x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : NonProjectionAxial . not(x in NorthExternal \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : NorthExternal . not(x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : OverProjectionExternal . not(x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : RightProjectionExternal . not(x in Sequential \/ x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : Sequential . not(x in SouthExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : SouthExternal . not(x in UnderProjectionExternal \/ x in WestExternal) forall x : UnderProjectionExternal . not(x in WestExternal) sorts GeneralDirectional, SpecificDirectional < DirectionalRelation forall x: GeneralDirectional . not(x in SpecificDirectional) sorts MultipleDirectional < GeneralDirectional sorts ArcDirectional, CardinalDirectional, TopographicDirectional < SpecificDirectional forall x: ArcDirectional . not(x in CardinalDirectional \/ x in TopographicDirectional) forall x: CardinalDirectional . not(x in TopographicDirectional) sorts East, North, South, West < CardinalDirectional forall x: East . not(x in North \/ x in South \/ x in West) forall x: North . not(x in South \/ x in West) forall x: South . not(x in West) sorts EastInternal, EastExternal < East forall x : EastInternal . not(x in EastExternal) sorts NorthInternal, NorthExternal < North forall x : NorthInternal . not(x in NorthExternal) sorts SouthInternal, SouthExternal < South forall x : SouthInternal . not(x in SouthExternal) sorts WestInternal, WestExternal < West forall x : WestInternal . not(x in WestExternal) sorts HeightNonProjectionAxial, RelativeNonProjectionAxial < NonProjectionAxial forall x: HeightNonProjectionAxial . not(x in RelativeNonProjectionAxial) sorts HorizontalProjection, VerticalProjection < ProjectionRelation forall x: HorizontalProjection . not(x in VerticalProjection) sorts FrontalProjection, LateralProjection < HorizontalProjection forall x: FrontalProjection . not(x in LateralProjection) sorts BackProjection, FrontProjection < FrontalProjection forall x: BackProjection . not(x in FrontProjection) sorts BackProjectionExternal, BackProjectionInternal < BackProjection forall x: BackProjectionExternal . not(x in BackProjectionInternal) sorts FrontProjectionExternal, FrontProjectionInternal < FrontProjection forall x: FrontProjectionExternal . not(x in FrontProjectionInternal) sorts LeftProjection, RightProjection < LateralProjection forall x: LeftProjection . not(x in RightProjection) sorts LeftProjectionExternal, LeftProjectionInternal < LeftProjection forall x: LeftProjectionExternal . not(x in LeftProjectionInternal) sorts RightProjectionExternal, RightProjectionInternal < RightProjection forall x: RightProjectionExternal . not(x in RightProjectionInternal) sorts AboveProjection, BelowProjection, OverProjectionExternal, UnderProjectionExternal < VerticalProjection forall x: AboveProjection . not(x in BelowProjection \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: BelowProjection . not(x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: OverProjectionExternal . not(x in UnderProjectionExternal) sorts AboveProjectionExternal, AboveProjectionInternal < AboveProjection forall x: AboveProjectionExternal . not(x in AboveProjectionInternal) sorts BelowProjectionExternal, BelowProjectionInternal < BelowProjection forall x: BelowProjectionExternal . not(x in BelowProjectionInternal) sorts PathRepresenting, Surrounding < ShapeCommitting forall x: PathRepresenting . not(x in Surrounding) sorts PathRepresentingExternal, PathRepresentingInternal < PathRepresenting forall x: PathRepresentingExternal . not(x in PathRepresentingInternal) sorts AboveProjectionExternal, BackProjectionExternal, BelowProjectionExternal, FrontProjectionExternal, LeftProjectionExternal, NonProjectionAxial, OverProjectionExternal, PathRepresentingExternal, QualitativeDistance, QuantitativeDistance, RightProjectionExternal, UnderProjectionExternal < SpatialDistanceModality forall x: AboveProjectionExternal . not(x in BackProjectionExternal \/ x in BelowProjectionExternal \/ x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in PathRepresentingExternal \/ x in QualitativeDistance \/ x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: BackProjectionExternal . not(x in BelowProjectionExternal \/ x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in PathRepresentingExternal \/ x in QualitativeDistance \/ x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: BelowProjectionExternal . not(x in FrontProjectionExternal \/ x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in PathRepresentingExternal \/ x in QualitativeDistance \/ x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: FrontProjectionExternal . not(x in LeftProjectionExternal \/ x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in PathRepresentingExternal \/ x in QualitativeDistance \/ x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: LeftProjectionExternal . not(x in NonProjectionAxial \/ x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in PathRepresentingExternal \/ x in QualitativeDistance \/ x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: NonProjectionAxial . not(x in OverProjectionExternal \/ x in PathRepresentingExternal \/ x in QualitativeDistance \/ x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: OverProjectionExternal . not(x in PathRepresentingExternal \/ x in QualitativeDistance \/ x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: PathRepresentingExternal . not(x in QualitativeDistance \/ x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: QualitativeDistance . not(x in QuantitativeDistance \/ x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: QuantitativeDistance . not(x in RightProjectionExternal \/ x in UnderProjectionExternal) forall x: RightProjectionExternal . not(x in UnderProjectionExternal) sorts HeightNonProjectionAxial, RelativeNonProjectionAxial < NonProjectionAxial forall x: HeightNonProjectionAxial . not(x in RelativeNonProjectionAxial) sorts Distal, Proximal < QualitativeDistance forall x: Distal . not(x in Proximal) sorts SpatialLocating, TemporalLocating < GUM_Spatial_GeneralizedLocating sorts SpatialTemporalLocating < SpatialLocating sorts SpatialTemporalLocating < TemporalLocating sorts NonAffectingSpatialDoing < GUM_Spatial_NonAffectingDoing sorts NonAffectingMotion, NonAffectingOrienting < NonAffectingSpatialDoing forall x: NonAffectingMotion . not(x in NonAffectingOrienting) sorts NonAffectingDirectedMotion, NonAffectingOrientationChange, NonAffectingSimpleMotion < NonAffectingMotion forall x: NonAffectingDirectedMotion . not(x in NonAffectingOrientationChange \/ x in NonAffectingSimpleMotion) forall x: NonAffectingOrientationChange . not(x in NonAffectingSimpleMotion) sorts SequentialQuality < GUM_Spatial_SimpleQuality sorts DeicticSpatialTemporal, NonDeicticSpatialTemporal, QualitativeSpatialTemporal, QuantitativeSpatialTemporal < GUM_Spatial_SpatialTemporal forall x: DeicticSpatialTemporal . not(x in NonDeicticSpatialTemporal \/ x in QualitativeSpatialTemporal \/ x in QuantitativeSpatialTemporal) forall x: NonDeicticSpatialTemporal . not(x in QualitativeSpatialTemporal \/ x in QuantitativeSpatialTemporal) forall x: QualitativeSpatialTemporal . not(x in QuantitativeSpatialTemporal) end %%------------------------ %% GUM spatial relations %%------------------------ spec GUM_Spatial_Relations = GUM_Relations and GUM_Spatial_Taxonomy then preds destination : GeneralizedRoute * GeneralizedLocation; direction : AffectingSpatialAction * GeneralizedLocation; direction : NonAffectingSpatialDoing * GeneralizedLocation; hasSpatialModality : GeneralizedLocation * SpatialModality; locatum : Thing * Thing; motionDirection : AffectingSpatialAction * GeneralizedLocation; motionDirection : NonAffectingSpatialDoing * GeneralizedLocation; nextPathIndication : GeneralizedPathLocation * GeneralizedPathLocation; nextPathPlacement : GeneralizedPathLocation * GeneralizedPathLocation; orientationDirection : AffectingSpatialAction * GeneralizedLocation; orientationDirection : NonAffectingSpatialDoing * GeneralizedLocation; pathIndication : GeneralizedRoute * GeneralizedPathLocation; pathPlacement : GeneralizedRoute * GeneralizedPathLocation; placement : AffectingSpatialAction * GeneralizedLocation; placement : NonAffectingSpatialDoing * GeneralizedLocation; placement : SpatialLocating * GeneralizedLocation; placement : AffectingSpatialAction * GeneralizedRoute; placement : NonAffectingSpatialDoing * GeneralizedRoute; placement : SpatialLocating * GeneralizedRoute; qualitativeAngleExtent : Thing * Element; qualitativeDistanceExtent : Thing * Element; qualitativeSpatialExtent : Thing * Element; quantitativeAngleExtent : Thing * Element; quantitativeDistanceExtent : Thing * Element; quantitativeSpatialExtent : Thing * Element; relatum : GeneralizedLocation * Thing; route : AffectingDirectedMotion * GeneralizedRoute; route : AffectingOrientationChange * GeneralizedRoute; route : NonAffectingDirectedMotion * GeneralizedRoute; route : NonAffectingOrientationChange * GeneralizedRoute; source : GeneralizedRoute * GeneralizedLocation; spatialExtent : Thing * Element; spatialPerspective : Thing * Element; then forall aDM: AffectingDirectedMotion; aOC: AffectingOrientationChange; aSA: AffectingSpatialAction; e: Element; gL: GeneralizedLocation; gPL, gPL0: GeneralizedPathLocation; gR: GeneralizedRoute; nADM: NonAffectingDirectedMotion; nAOC: NonAffectingOrientationChange; nASD: NonAffectingSpatialDoing; sL: SpatialLocating; sM: SpatialModality; t, t0: Thing . destination(gR,gL) => attribute(gR,gL) . direction(aSA,gL) => attribute(aSA,gL) . direction(nASD,gL) => attribute(nASD,gL) . hasSpatialModality(gL,sM) => gumrelation(gL,sM) . locatum(t,t0) => attribute(t,t0) . locatum(t,t0) => domain(t,t0) . motionDirection(aSA,gL) => attribute(aSA,gL) . motionDirection(nASD,gL) => attribute(nASD,gL) . motionDirection(aSA,gL) => direction(aSA,gL) . motionDirection(nASD,gL) => direction(nASD,gL) . nextPathIndication(gPL,gPL0) => attribute(gPL,gPL0) . nextPathPlacement(gPL,gPL0) => attribute(gPL,gPL0) . orientationDirection(aSA,gL) => attribute(aSA,gL) . orientationDirection(nASD,gL) => attribute(nASD,gL) . orientationDirection(aSA,gL) => direction(aSA,gL) . orientationDirection(nASD,gL) => direction(nASD,gL) . pathIndication(gR,gPL) => attribute(gR,gPL) . pathPlacement(gR,gPL) => attribute(gR,gPL) . placement(aSA,gL) => attribute(aSA,gL) . placement(nASD,gL) => attribute(nASD,gL) . placement(sL,gL) => attribute(sL,gL) . placement(aSA,gR) => attribute(aSA,gR) . placement(nASD,gR) => attribute(nASD,gR) . placement(sL,gR) => attribute(sL,gR) . qualitativeAngleExtent(t,e) => qualitativeSpatialExtent(t,e) . qualitativeDistanceExtent(t,e) => qualitativeSpatialExtent(t,e) . quantitativeAngleExtent(t,e) => quantitativeSpatialExtent(t,e) . quantitativeDistanceExtent(t,e) => quantitativeSpatialExtent(t,e) . relatum(gL,t) => attribute(gL,t) . relatum(gL,t) => range(gL,t) . spatialExtent(t,e) => spatialCircumstance(t,e) . qualitativeSpatialExtent(t,e) => spatialExtent(t,e) . quantitativeSpatialExtent(t,e) => spatialExtent(t,e) . route(aDM,gR) => attribute(aDM,gR) . route(aOC,gR) => attribute(aOC,gR) . route(nAOC,gR) => attribute(nAOC,gR) . route(nADM,gR) => attribute(nADM,gR) . source(gR,gL) => attribute(gR,gL) . spatialPerspective(t,e) => circumstanceInConfiguration(t,e) %% Restrictions forall x: AffectingDirectedMotion . minCardinality[direction](x,1) \/ minCardinality[route](x,1) forall x: AffectingOrientationChange; y: GeneralizedRoute . minCardinality[orientationDirection](x,1) \/ minCardinality[route](x,1) . route(x,y) => (y in GeneralizedRoute /\ cardinality[pathPlacement](y,0) /\ cardinality[pathIndication](y,0)) forall x: AffectingOrienting . minCardinality[orientationDirection](x,1) forall x: AffectingSpatialAction; y: GeneralizedRoute . placement(x,y) => y in GeneralizedLocation forall x: GeneralizedLocation . cardinality[hasSpatialModality](x,1) . minCardinality[relatum](x,1) forall x: NonAffectingDirectedMotion . minCardinality[direction](x,1) \/ minCardinality[route](x,1) forall x: NonAffectingOrientationChange; y: GeneralizedRoute . minCardinality[orientationDirection](x,1) \/ minCardinality[route](x,1) . route(x,y) => (y in GeneralizedRoute /\ cardinality[pathPlacement](y,0) /\ cardinality[pathIndication](y,0)) forall x: NonAffectingOrienting . minCardinality[orientationDirection](x,1) forall x: NonAffectingSpatialDoing; y: GeneralizedRoute . placement(x,y) => y in GeneralizedLocation forall x: SpatialLocating . cardinality[locatum](x,1) . exists y: GeneralizedRoute . placement(x,y) \/ exists y: GeneralizedLocation . placement(x,y) end %%----------------------------- %% Begin OntoClean Definitions %% %% Thing : OntoCleanProperty; %% %% Ability : Rigid; %% AboveProjection : Rigid; %% AboveProjectionExternal : Rigid; %% AboveProjectionInternal : Rigid; %% Abstraction : Rigid; %% Access : Rigid; %% AddresseeOriented : Dependent; %% AddresseeOriented : Rigid; %% Addressing : Dependent; %% Addressing : Rigid; %% AddressingVerbal : Dependent; %% AddressingVerbal : Rigid; %% AffectingAction : Dependent; %% AffectingAction : Rigid; %% AffectingDirectedMotion : Dependent; %% AffectingDirectedMotion : Rigid; %% AffectingMotion : Rigid; %% AffectingOrientationChange : Dependent; %% AffectingOrientationChange : Rigid; %% AffectingOrienting : Dependent; %% AffectingOrienting : Rigid; %% AffectingSimpleMotion : Rigid; %% AffectingSpatialAction : Rigid; %% Age : Rigid; %% AgePropertyAscription : Dependent; %% AgePropertyAscription : Rigid; %% Ambience : Dependent; %% Ambience : Rigid; %% ArcDirectional : Rigid; %% Ascription : Dependent; %% Ascription : Rigid; %% AscriptionInverse : Dependent; %% AscriptionInverse : Rigid; %% AtLeast : Dependent; %% AtLeast : Rigid; %% AtMost : Dependent; %% AtMost : Rigid; %% BackProjection : Rigid; %% BackProjectionExternal : Rigid; %% BackProjectionInternal : Rigid; %% BehavioralQuality : Rigid; %% BehavioralVerbal : Dependent; %% BehavioralVerbal : Rigid; %% BeingAndHaving : Dependent; %% BeingAndHaving : Rigid; %% Believe : Dependent; %% Believe : Rigid; %% BelowProjection : Rigid; %% BelowProjectionExternal : Rigid; %% BelowProjectionInternal : Rigid; %% CardinalDirectional : Rigid; %% Causal : Dependent; %% Causal : Rigid; %% Central : Rigid; %% Circumstance : Rigid; %% Circumstantial : Dependent; %% Circumstantial : Rigid; %% CircumstantialOther : Dependent; %% CircumstantialOther : Rigid; %% ClassAscription : Rigid; %% ClassQuality : Rigid; %% Cognition : Dependent; %% Cognition : Rigid; %% Color : Rigid; %% ColorPropertyAscription : Dependent; %% ColorPropertyAscription : Rigid; %% CommunicativeAttitude : Dependent; %% CommunicativeAttitude : Rigid; %% Conditional : Rigid; %% Configuration : Dependent; %% Configuration : Rigid; %% Conjunction : Dependent; %% Conjunction : Rigid; %% Connection : Rigid; %% ConsciousBeing : Rigid; %% Containment : Rigid; %% Control : Rigid; %% CreativeMaterialAction : Dependent; %% CreativeMaterialAction : Rigid; %% DecomposableObject : Rigid; %% DeicticSpatialTemporal : Rigid; %% DenialOfFunctionalControl : Rigid; %% DiffuseMatter : Rigid; %% DirectionalRelation : Rigid; %% Disjointness : Rigid; %% Disjunction : Dependent; %% Disjunction : Rigid; %% DisjunctiveSet : Rigid; %% Disliking : Dependent; %% Disliking : Rigid; %% DispositiveMaterialAction : Dependent; %% DispositiveMaterialAction : Rigid; %% Distal : Rigid; %% Distribution : Rigid; %% DoingAndHappening : Dependent; %% DoingAndHappening : Rigid; %% DynamicQuality : Rigid; %% East : Rigid; %% EastExternal : Rigid; %% EastInternal : Rigid; %% Elaboration : Dependent; %% Elaboration : Rigid; %% Element : Rigid; %% ElementList : Dependent; %% ElementList : Rigid; %% ElementOf : Dependent; %% ElementOf : Rigid; %% Enhancement : Dependent; %% Enhancement : Rigid; %% EvaluativeQuality : Rigid; %% Exactly : Dependent; %% Exactly : Rigid; %% Existence : Dependent; %% Existence : Rigid; %% Expansion : Dependent; %% Expansion : Rigid; %% Extension : Dependent; %% Extension : Rigid; %% External : Dependent; %% External : Rigid; %% Fearing : Dependent; %% Fearing : Rigid; %% Female : Rigid; %% FrontProjection : Rigid; %% FrontProjectionExternal : Rigid; %% FrontProjectionInternal : Rigid; %% FrontalProjection : Rigid; %% FunctionalSpatialModality : Rigid; %% Future : Rigid; %% GUM_Circumstance : Rigid; %% GUM_DispositiveMaterialAction : Rigid; %% GUM_Element : Rigid; %% GUM_GeneralizedLocating : Rigid; %% GUM_NonAffectingDoing : Rigid; %% GUM_SimpleQuality : Rigid; %% GUM_SpatialTemporal : Rigid; %% GUM_Spatial_Circumstance : Rigid; %% GUM_Spatial_DispositiveMaterialAction : Rigid; %% GUM_Spatial_Element : Rigid; %% GUM_Spatial_GeneralizedLocating : Rigid; %% GUM_Spatial_NonAffectingDoing : Rigid; %% GUM_Spatial_SimpleQuality : Rigid; %% GUM_Spatial_SpatialTemporal : Rigid; %% GeneralDirectional : Rigid; %% GeneralPossibility : Rigid; %% GeneralizedComplexLocation : Rigid; %% GeneralizedLocating : Dependent; %% GeneralizedLocating : Rigid; %% GeneralizedLocation : Dependent; %% GeneralizedLocation : Rigid; %% GeneralizedPathLocation : Rigid; %% GeneralizedPossession : Dependent; %% GeneralizedPossession : Rigid; %% GeneralizedPossessionInverse : Dependent; %% GeneralizedPossessionInverse : Rigid; %% GeneralizedRoleRelation : Dependent; %% GeneralizedRoleRelation : Rigid; %% GeneralizedRoute : Rigid; %% GreaterThan : Dependent; %% GreaterThan : Rigid; %% GreaterThanComparison : Dependent; %% GreaterThanComparison : Rigid; %% Hailing : Dependent; %% Hailing : Rigid; %% HeightNonProjectionAxial : Rigid; %% HorizontalProjection : Rigid; %% IdeaProjection : Dependent; %% IdeaProjection : Rigid; %% IdeaQuoting : Dependent; %% IdeaQuoting : Rigid; %% IdeaReporting : Dependent; %% IdeaReporting : Rigid; %% Identity : Dependent; %% Identity : Rigid; %% Intensive : Dependent; %% Intensive : Rigid; %% Intention : Dependent; %% Intention : Rigid; %% Internal : Dependent; %% Internal : Rigid; %% Know : Dependent; %% Know : Rigid; %% LateralProjection : Rigid; %% LeftProjection : Rigid; %% LeftProjectionExternal : Rigid; %% LeftProjectionInternal : Rigid; %% LessThan : Dependent; %% LessThan : Rigid; %% LessThanComparison : Dependent; %% LessThanComparison : Rigid; %% Liking : Dependent; %% Liking : Rigid; %% LocutionProjection : Dependent; %% LocutionProjection : Rigid; %% LocutionQuoting : Dependent; %% LocutionQuoting : Rigid; %% LocutionReporting : Dependent; %% LocutionReporting : Rigid; %% LogicalPropertyAscription : Dependent; %% LogicalPropertyAscription : Rigid; %% LogicalQuality : Rigid; %% LogicalUniqueness : Rigid; %% Male : Rigid; %% MaterialClassQuality : Rigid; %% MaterialPropertyAscription : Dependent; %% MaterialPropertyAscription : Rigid; %% MaterialWorldQuality : Rigid; %% MentalActive : Dependent; %% MentalActive : Rigid; %% MentalInactive : Dependent; %% MentalInactive : Rigid; %% MessageOriented : Dependent; %% MessageOriented : Rigid; %% MessageTransfer : Dependent; %% MessageTransfer : Rigid; %% ModalPropertyAscription : Dependent; %% ModalPropertyAscription : Rigid; %% ModalQuality : Rigid; %% MultiConfiguration : Dependent; %% MultiConfiguration : Rigid; %% MultipleDirectional : Rigid; %% Name : Rigid; %% NameEvent : Dependent; %% NameEvent : Rigid; %% NameOf : Dependent; %% NameOf : Rigid; %% NameRelation : Dependent; %% NameRelation : Rigid; %% NamedObject : Rigid; %% NaturalNumber : Rigid; %% Necessity : Rigid; %% NonAddresseeOriented : Dependent; %% NonAddresseeOriented : Rigid; %% NonAddressing : Dependent; %% NonAddressing : Rigid; %% NonAffectingAction : Dependent; %% NonAffectingAction : Rigid; %% NonAffectingDirectedMotion : Dependent; %% NonAffectingDirectedMotion : Rigid; %% NonAffectingDoing : Dependent; %% NonAffectingDoing : Rigid; %% NonAffectingHappening : Dependent; %% NonAffectingHappening : Rigid; %% NonAffectingMotion : Rigid; %% NonAffectingOrientationChange : Dependent; %% NonAffectingOrientationChange : Rigid; %% NonAffectingOrienting : Dependent; %% NonAffectingOrienting : Rigid; %% NonAffectingSimpleMotion : Rigid; %% NonAffectingSpatialDoing : Rigid; %% NonConditional : Rigid; %% NonConsciousThing : Rigid; %% NonDecomposableObject : Rigid; %% NonDeicticSpatialTemporal : Rigid; %% NonMessageOriented : Dependent; %% NonMessageOriented : Rigid; %% NonProjectionAxial : Rigid; %% NonScalableQuality : Rigid; %% NonVolitional : Rigid; %% North : Rigid; %% NorthExternal : Rigid; %% NorthInternal : Rigid; %% NumberFocusing : Dependent; %% NumberFocusing : Rigid; %% OneOrTwoDLocation : Rigid; %% OneOrTwoDTime : Rigid; %% OrderedObject : Rigid; %% OrderedSet : Rigid; %% OverProjectionExternal : Rigid; %% OwnedBy : Dependent; %% OwnedBy : Rigid; %% Ownership : Dependent; %% Ownership : Rigid; %% Part : Dependent; %% Part : Rigid; %% PartOf : Dependent; %% PartOf : Rigid; %% PartWhole : Dependent; %% PartWhole : Rigid; %% Parthood : Rigid; %% Past : Rigid; %% PathRepresenting : Rigid; %% PathRepresentingExternal : Rigid; %% PathRepresentingInternal : Rigid; %% Perception : Dependent; %% Perception : Rigid; %% Peripheral : Rigid; %% Person : Rigid; %% PolarQuality : Rigid; %% Possibility : Rigid; %% Present : Rigid; %% Process : Rigid; %% Projection : Dependent; %% Projection : Rigid; %% ProjectionRelation : Rigid; %% ProperVerbal : Dependent; %% ProperVerbal : Rigid; %% PropertyAscription : Dependent; %% PropertyAscription : Rigid; %% PropertyOf : Dependent; %% PropertyOf : Rigid; %% ProvenanceClassQuality : Rigid; %% ProvenancePropertyAscription : Dependent; %% ProvenancePropertyAscription : Rigid; %% Proximal : Rigid; %% QualitativeDistance : Rigid; %% QualitativeSpatialTemporal : Rigid; %% QuantitativeDistance : Rigid; %% QuantitativeSpatialTemporal : Rigid; %% Quantity : Dependent; %% Quantity : Rigid; %% QuantityAscription : Dependent; %% QuantityAscription : Rigid; %% Quoting : Dependent; %% Quoting : Rigid; %% Raining : Dependent; %% Raining : Rigid; %% ReactionAndEmotion : Dependent; %% ReactionAndEmotion : Rigid; %% Relating : Dependent; %% Relating : Rigid; %% RelativeNonProjectionAxial : Rigid; %% RelativeSpatialModality : Rigid; %% Reporting : Dependent; %% Reporting : Rigid; %% RightProjection : Rigid; %% RightProjectionExternal : Rigid; %% RightProjectionInternal : Rigid; %% RolePlaying : Dependent; %% RolePlaying : Rigid; %% SayingAndSensing : Dependent; %% SayingAndSensing : Rigid; %% ScalableQuality : Rigid; %% ScaledComparison : Dependent; %% ScaledComparison : Rigid; %% SenseAndMeasureQuality : Rigid; %% Sequential : Rigid; %% SequentialQuality : Rigid; %% ShapeCommitting : Rigid; %% Signification : Dependent; %% Signification : Rigid; %% SimpleQuality : Rigid; %% SimpleThing : Rigid; %% Size : Rigid; %% SizePropertyAscription : Dependent; %% SizePropertyAscription : Rigid; %% Snowing : Dependent; %% Snowing : Rigid; %% South : Rigid; %% SouthExternal : Rigid; %% SouthInternal : Rigid; %% Space : Rigid; %% SpaceInterval : Rigid; %% SpacePoint : Rigid; %% SpatialDistanceModality : Rigid; %% SpatialLocating : Dependent; %% SpatialLocating : Rigid; %% SpatialModality : Rigid; %% SpatialObject : Rigid; %% SpatialTemporal : Rigid; %% SpatialTemporalLocating : Rigid; %% SpecificDirectional : Rigid; %% SpecificMatter : Rigid; %% StativeQuality : Rigid; %% StatusQuality : Rigid; %% Striving : Dependent; %% Striving : Rigid; %% SubjectMatter : Rigid; %% Substance : Rigid; %% Sunning : Dependent; %% Sunning : Rigid; %% Support : Rigid; %% Surrounding : Rigid; %% Symbolization : Dependent; %% Symbolization : Rigid; %% TaxonomicQuality : Rigid; %% TemporalLocating : Rigid; %% TemporalObject : Rigid; %% Think : Dependent; %% Think : Rigid; %% ThreeDLocation : Rigid; %% ThreeDTime : Rigid; %% Time : Rigid; %% TimeInterval : Rigid; %% TimePoint : Rigid; %% TopographicDirectional : Rigid; %% UMSet : Rigid; %% UnderProjectionExternal : Rigid; %% UsePropertyAscription : Dependent; %% UsePropertyAscription : Rigid; %% VerticalProjection : Rigid; %% Volitional : Rigid; %% Wanting : Dependent; %% Wanting : Rigid; %% West : Rigid; %% WestExternal : Rigid; %% WestInternal : Rigid; %% Winding : Dependent; %% Winding : Rigid; %% Word : Rigid; %% ZeroDLocation : Rigid; %% ZeroDTime : Rigid; %% End OntoClean Definitions %%-----------------------------