John Bateman — Online paper repository

This is a place where you can download assorted papers that either have not yet been published or are difficult to find if you don't know where to look.

There are also assorted bibliography listings with direct links to pdf files for reading. These include papers from the following projects:

OntoSpace SFB/TR8 project I1 (phase 2 proposal, July 2006) Project papers
SharC SFB/TR8 project I3 (phase 2 proposal, July 2006) Project papers
DiaSpace SFB/TR8 project I5 (phase 2 proposal, July 2006) Project papers

Bateman, J. A. (1990). Upper Modeling: organizing knowledge for natural language processing. Proceedings of the Fifth International Natural Language Generation Workshop. Pittsburgh, PA.: 54--60. [Slightly longer version prepared for a Workshop on Standards for Knowlege Representation, Sta. Barbara, CA: here]

Bateman, J. A. (1992). The theoretical status of ontologies in natural language processing. Text Representation and Domain Modelling -- ideas from linguistics and AI. S. Preuß and B. Schmitz. Berlin, Germany, KIT-Report 97, Technische Universität Berlin: 50--99.

J.A. Bateman, Bernardo Magnini, Fabio Rinaldi. (1994) "The Generalized {Italian, German, English} Upper Model.", in Proceedings of the ECAI-94 Workshop on Implemented Ontologies, Amsterdam, 1994

R. Henschel. (1993) "Merging the English and the German Upper Model." Technical Report, GMD/Institut fur integrierte Publikations- und Informationssysteme, Darmstadt, 1993.

Henschel, R. (1997). Compiling Systemic Grammars into Feature Logic Systems. CLNLP/NLULP Proceedings. S. Manandhar, W. Nutt and G. P. Lopez. (eds.)