Language of the Media: Multimodality at Work (and Play) (SoSe 12)

BA LgSci: SIK3

John Bateman

Schedule of Class Meetings

(readings references)

Introduction, Aims, Organisation: Text and Image
1 19.4.2012

Introduction + Organisation + Point of it all

2 26.4.2012 Some basic concepts: Text/Image combinations + Visual Rhetoric:
"Pictures can't say ain't!" (or can they?)
Approaches, Analyses, Examples
3 3.5.2012


"Understanding visual images in picturebooks"
"Developing new literacies. Responding to picturebooks in multiliterate ways"
"Exploring children’s responses to the postmodern picturebook. Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book?"
4 10.5.2012

Picturebooks and Textbooks:

Organizing Visual Meaning: FRAMING and BALANCE in Picture-Book Images
"Integrating visual and verbal meaning in multimodal text comprehension: towards a model of intermodal relations"
5 24.5.2012

Comics and Sequential Art:

McCloud. Chapter 3: Blood in the gutter. Understanding Comics. Beronä. Pictures speak in comics without words
6 31.5.2012

Comics and Sequential Art:

“'And suit the action to the word'. How a comics panel can speak Shakespeare."
" Disturbing Comics. The disjunction of Word and Image in the Comics of Andrzej Mleczko, Ben Katchor, R. Crumb and Art Spiegelman".
7 7.6.2012

Comics and Sequential Art:

"The comics of Chris Ware. Text, image and visual narrative strategies"

"Limits of time and transitions"

Presentation of Analyses: Analysis + Discussions: 4 slots for 3 presentations for groups of 2-3 people.

8 21.6.2012

Analysis Presentations + Discussions

9 28.6.2012 Analysis Presentations + Discussions
10 5.7.2012 Analysis Presentations + Discussions  
11 12.7.2012 Analysis Presentations + Discussions
12 19.7.2012 Discussion and Wrap-Up: other forms of multimodality