;Eigennamen \w John \c Name \f = 'John' \w Mary \c Name \f = 'Mary' \w Bill \c Name \f = 'Bill' ;Appellativa (common nouns) \w boy \c N \f = 'boy' \w boys \c N \f = 'boy' pl \w girl \c N \f = 'girl' \w girls \c N \f = 'girl' pl \w student \c N \f = 'student' \w book \c N \f = 'book' \w table \c N \f = 'table' \w present \c N \f = 'present' \w professor \c N \f = 'professor' \w village \c N \f = 'village' \w telescope \c N \f = 'telescope' \w shelf \c N \f = 'shelf' \w house \c N \f = 'house' \w houses \c N \f = 'house' pl \w brother \c N \f = 'brother' \w garden \c N \f = 'garden' \w tree \c N \f = 'tree' \w flop \c N \f = 'flop' \w corner \c N \f = 'corner' \w hat \c N \f = 'hat' ;intransitive Verben (Vi) \w laughed \c Vi \f = 'laugh' = past \w ran \c Vi \f = 'run' = past ;Verben mit obligatorischer PP-Ergänzung (Vp) \w lived \c Vp \f = 'live' = past \w stood \c Vp \f = 'stand' = past ;tansitive Verben (Vt) \w greeted \c Vt \f = 'greet' = past \w watched \c Vt \f = 'watch' = past \w admired \c Vt \f = 'admire' = past ;transitive Verben mit PP Ergänzung (Vtp) \w put \c Vtp \f = 'put' = past ;bitransitive Verben (Vt2) \w gave \c Vt2 \f = 'give' = past ;Copulaverben (Vc) \w was \c Vc \f = 'be' = past ;Adjektive \w interesting \c A \f = 'interesting' \w pleasant \c A \f = 'pleasant' \w silly \c A \f = 'silly' \w precious \c A \f = 'precious' \w awful \c A \f = 'awful' \w tall \c A \f = 'tall' ;Gradadverbien \w quite \c Adv \f = 'quite' \w very \c Adv \f = 'very' \w rather \c Adv \f = 'rather' ;Determinatoren \w the \c Det \f = + sg/pl \w a \c Det \f = - \w my \c Det \f = + sg/pl \w this \c Det \f = + \w these \c Det \f = + pl \w that \c Det \f = + \w those \c Det \f = + pl ;Präpositionen \w on \c P \f = 'on' \w in \c P \f = 'in' \w with \c P \f = 'with' \w behind \c P \f = 'behind' ; Pronomina \w I \c Pron \f = 'I' 1sg \w we \c Pron \f = 'we' 1pl \w you \c Pron \f = 'you' 2per \w he \c Pron \f = 'he' 3sg \w she \c Pron \f = 'she' 3sg \w they \c Pron \f = 'they' 3pl ; weitere Verbformen \w am \c Vc \f = 'be' 1sg \w are \c Vc \f = 'be' 2sg/pl \w is \c Vc \f = 'be' 3sg \w was \c Vc \f = 'be' 1sg/3sg \w were \c Vc \f = 'be' 2sg/pl \w sing \c Vi \f = 'sing' 1sg/2sg/pl \w sings \c Vi \f = 'sing' 3sg