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Anderson, John M. 1973. Maximi Planudes in memoriam. In: Kiefer, F. & N. Ruwet. Generative grammar in Europe. 20-47. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Anderson, John M. 1973. No reason not to not derive 'no' from 'all not'. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics 3, 85-88.
Anderson, John M. 1973. Nuns and rapists. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics 3, 89-92.
Anderson, John M. 1973. Some speculations concerning meetings, matrimony, family resemblances and related matters. York Papers in Linguistics 3, 7-29.
Anderson, John M & Jessen, Marilyn E. 1973. Some time, I. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics 3, 123-140.
Anderson, John M. 1973. Syllable structure and gemination in Old English. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics 3, 100-105.
Anderson, John M. 1973. Universal quantifiers. Lingua 31, 125-176.
Anderson, John M. 1973. A wee note on interludes and truncation in French. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics 2, 90-92.
Anderson, John M. 1974. All and equi ride again. Archivum Linguisticum 5, 1-10.
Anderson, John M. 1974. Concerning quantifiers and coordination. Trier: LAUT.
Anderson, John M. 1974. Existential quantifiers. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 15, 1-27.
Anderson, John M. 1974. Nuns and rapists. Linguistische Berichte 30, 62-65.
Anderson, John M & Jones, Charles . 1974. Three theses concerning phonological representations. Journal of Linguistics 10(1), 1-26.
Anderson, John M. 1975. La grammaire casuelle. In: Anderson, John M & Françoise Dubois-Charlier. La grammaire des casLa grammaire des cas. 18-64. (Langages 38).
Anderson, John M. 1975. A non-argument for deep structure. York Papers in Linguistics 5, 87-96.
Anderson, John M. 1975. A note on the placement of universal quantifiers. Folia Linguistica 7, 317-338.
Anderson, John M. 1975. Noun phrases as adjectives: serialization in seven parts. Trier: LAUT.
Anderson, John M. 1975. Principles of syllabification. York Papers in Linguistics 5, 7-20.
