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Anderson, John M. 1997. A notional theory of syntactic categories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Anderson, John M. 1975. Noun phrases as adjectives: serialization in seven parts. Trier: LAUT.
Colman, Fran . 1990. Numismatics, names and neutralisations. Transactions of the Philological Society 88, 59-86.
Anderson, John M. 1974. Nuns and rapists. Linguistische Berichte 30, 62-65.
Anderson, John M. 1973. Nuns and rapists. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics 3, 89-92.
Anderson, John M. 1984. Objecthood. In: Plank, Frans . Objects Towards a theory of grammatical relations. 29-54. New York: Academic Press.
Colman, Fran . 1983. Old English /a/ ≠ /æ/ or [a] ~ [æ]. Folia Linguistica Historica 4, 271-291.
Anderson, John M. 1988. Old English ablaut again: the essentially concrete character of dependency phonology. In: Duncan-Rose, Caroline & Theo Vennemann. On language: rhetorica, phonologica, syntactica. A Festschrift for Robert P. Stockwell from his friends and colleagues. 156-177. London: Routledge.
Colman, Fran . 1985. Old English ie: quid est?. Lingua 67, 1-23.
Colman, Fran . 2005. Old English I-umlaut: A unitary sound change? Dependency, contrast and non-specification. In: Carr, Ph. , J. Durand, & C.J. Ewen. Headhood, elements, specification and contrastivity. Phonological papers in honour of John Anderson. 31-61. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Anderson, John M. 1986. Old English morphology and the structure of noun phrases. Folia Linguistica Historica 7(1), 219-224.
Staun, Jørgen . 1983. The Old English obstruent system and its history: dependency account. Studia Linguistica 37, 9-27.
Lass, Roger & Anderson, John M. 1975. Old English phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Anderson, John M. 2003. Only connect. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 39, 3-46.
Anderson, John M. 1999. Orm the orthographer. In: López, María Bringas, María Dolores Go Alvarez, Javier Pérez Guerra, María Esperanza Martínez, & Eduardo Varela Bravo. Woonderous Ænglissce: Studies in Medieval English Language. 33-42. (Proceedings Of Selim (Sociedad Española De Lengua Y Literatura Inglesa Medieva) Xi). Vigo: Universidade de Vigo.
Korponay, Béla . 1986. Outlines of a Hungarian-English case grammar. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó.
Hulst, Harry van der. 2006. On the parallel organization of linguistic components. Lingua 116(5), 657-688.
Anderson, John M. 1993. Parameters of syntactic change: a notional view. In: Jones, Charles . Historical linguistics: Problems and perspectives. 1-42. London: Longman.
Anderson, John M. 2012. Parasitic passives of intransitives in English. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics 1, 5-22.
Hogg, Richard M. 1973. Is parentage a matter of co-ordination? An essay in the semantics of generation. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics 2, 63-66.
Anderson, John M. 1989. Periphrases and paradigms. In: Odenstedt, Bengt & Gunnar Persson. Instead of flowers: Papers in honour of Mats Rydén on the occasion of his 60th birthday. 1-10. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
Ewen, Colin J. 1982. The phonological representation of the Welsh mutations. In: Anderson, John M. Language form and linguistic variation: Papers dedicated to Angus McIntosh. 75-95. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Durand, Jacques . 1987. On the phonological status of glides: the evidence from Malay. In: Anderson, John M & Jacques Durand. Explorations in dependency phonology. 79-107. Dordrecht: Foris.
