Syntactic categories and syntactic change: The development of subjunctive periphrases in English

  • ms. — published as: Anderson, John M. 2004. Syntactic categories and syntactic change: the development of subjunctive periphrases in English. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel and García Begoña Crespo. eds. 2004. New Trends in English Historical Linguistics: An Atlantic View. 31-73. Coruña: Universidade da Coruña.
  • Syntactic categories and syntactic change discusses (section 1) the neglect in much current work in ('autonomist') syntax of syntactic categorisation and the failure to recognise its notional basis and goes on (section 2) to outline a system of notionally-based syntactic categories that is driven by the assumption that syntax and phonology are analogous in manifesting substance-based categories. Section 3 looks at some historical developments involving, in particular, the 'modal' verbs in English and the status and development of various subjunctive periphrases whose explication necessitates recognition of the notional basis for syntactic categorisation and the complex categorial articulations argued for in section 2.
  • 27 pages, 153kb
Anderson, John M.
2 003
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