Extracting specialized bibliographies: external sources

There are several areas available here for extraction. They correspond to virtual bibliographies drawn from the general bibliographical source that I am maintaining. Some of these virtual bibliographies correspond to actual source files from other kind contributors that have been incorporated into the main source from elsewhere. This information is maintained because (a) one can see where they came from and (b) if they change then there might be new information that has not yet found its way into the main source here. If an area is not listed below, then it has not been imported from elsewhere.

Maintained virtual bibliographies: Systemic: Macquarie; Systemic:Mick; Child language; INS2 Hypermedia Group; COSY spatial reasoning group; Serge's Corpus and Lexical Semantics book

The largest single source of information was the originating bibtex file which combined input from John Bateman, Cécile Paris, Bill Mann, Elisabeth Maier, Leo Wanner, Elke Teich, and others; this file no longer has a separate existence, although a virtual fossil is still around at Darmstadt--this should not be used despite the fact that there are still some pointers to it out there that have not been updated.

Another large source of input for the natural language processing and generation entires is Michael Zock's bibliography, maintained in Endnotes format by Michael and not publically available; entries that have been incorporated here have been converted to BibTeX-format.

The largest incorporated external files that still have a separate, publically available existence are the following. Since they may be updated independently of the information maintained here, it is possible that they come to hold information that is not present here. The dates of the versions currently incorporated are given for reference.