Ontologies Classes Object Properties Data Properties Annotation Properties Individuals Datatypes Clouds

Object Property: beneficiary

Annotations (1)

  • rdfs:comment "A transitivity function in the clause, according to the generalized ergative transitivity model: the participant benefitting from the actualization of the combination of Process+Medium. In a material clause, it is the Recipient (My aunt gave *the farmer* a duckpress) or the Client (Pour *me* out a cold Dos Equis beer) and in a verbal one, it is the addressee (Joe told *us* all about Eve). It also occurs in a few relational clause types (I owe *you* an apology) and mental clauses (I envy *you* your luck; I don't begrudge *you* your happiness)."(xsd:string)

Superproperties (1)

Usage (3)