Ontologies Classes Object Properties Data Properties Annotation Properties Individuals Datatypes Clouds

Datatype: xsd:string

Usage (377)

  • accessibility Range xsd:string
  • AboveProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation referring to a position above."(xsd:string
  • AboveProjectionExternal rdfs:comment "The external vertical relation indicating that the locatum is higher on the vertical axis than the relatum."(xsd:string
  • AboveProjectionInternal rdfs:comment "The internal vertical relation indicating that the locatum is higher on the vertical axis than the relatum."(xsd:string
  • Access rdfs:comment "The reified functional relation holding between two spatial objects x and y, such that y is physically accessbile from x for some purpose as intended by an agent."(xsd:string
  • AffectingDirectedMotion rdfs:comment "Affecting motion that includes either a source, path, destination, or pathIndication or it includes a direction (in which the GeneralizedLocation does not define a relatum)."(xsd:string
  • AffectingMotion rdfs:comment "A type of affecting directed action defined by a motion verb, e.g. "He moves it"."(xsd:string
  • AffectingOrienting rdfs:comment "AffectingOrienting describes a spatial configuration by using orientation information on an actee. It needs a direction."(xsd:string
  • AffectingSimpleMotion rdfs:comment "An affecting spatial action that does not include a destination, but may include a location where the motion takes place. Example: 'He shakes it'."(xsd:string
  • AffectingSpatialAction rdfs:comment "A spatial action, in which an actee is affected. In general, a placement where the action takes place may be specified"(xsd:string
  • ArcDirectional rdfs:comment "Locations, which are defined by arc information, such as "the chair is at *three o'clock*"."(xsd:string
  • BackProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation referring to the back side."(xsd:string
  • BackProjectionExternal rdfs:comment "The external frontal relation indicating that the locatum is in the half plane closest to its back, e.g., 'behind' or 'in back of'."(xsd:string
  • BackProjectionInternal rdfs:comment "The internal frontal relation indicating that the locatum is in the half plane closest to its back, e.g., 'behind' or 'in back of'."(xsd:string
  • BelowProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation referring to a position below."(xsd:string
  • BelowProjectionExternal rdfs:comment "The external vertical relation indicating that the locatum is lower on the vertical axis than the relatum."(xsd:string
  • BelowProjectionInternal rdfs:comment "The internal vertical relation indicating that the locatum is lower on the vertical axis than the relatum."(xsd:string
  • CardinalDirectional rdfs:comment "Directional Relation that is expressed by a cardinatlity, such as North, East, South, West."(xsd:string
  • Connection rdfs:comment "The topological relation of connection, or contact, holding between any two spatial entities whose surfaces (or internal parts) have physical contact. Examples of such are "touching her sister's arm" or "Er lehnt sich an die Mauer"."(xsd:string
  • Containment rdfs:comment "The reified functional relation holding between two spatial objects x and y, such that x functionally contains y; x need not spatially contain y. An example of an expression falling into this category is: "The apple is *in* the bowl". Here, the apple does not necessarily need to be spatially contained in the bowl (no topological containment)."(xsd:string
  • Control rdfs:comment "The binary functional relation holding between two spatial objects x and y, such that x controls y's position in space; if x moves, then y moves as well; x and y need not be in contact."(xsd:string
  • DeicticSpatialTemporal rdfs:comment "A relationship of spatialtemporal locating that is classified as relative. Relative here refers to a posited property of temporal and spatial relationships concerning how they are treated by the grammar of a language. Relative spatiotemporal relationships are taken to `move along with' an observer. This contrasts with absolute relationships which do not accompany the observer. As an example, the notion of `today', `tomorrow', etc. do not stand still and allow the observer to pass them by, they move with the observer; this is in contrast to the notion of a `Monday', which can come and pass the observer by."(xsd:string
  • DenialOfFunctionalControl rdfs:comment "This relation expresses disconnection and denies functional control. It can be expressed by "off", "outside", "out", etc."(xsd:string
  • DirectionalRelation rdfs:comment "DirectionalRelation is a spatial relation that indication a specific
    direction, which could be given by a vector."
  • Disjointness rdfs:comment "The reified relation of disjointness, or disconnectedness, such that for any two spatial entities x and y, x and y do not contact."(xsd:string
  • Distal rdfs:comment "A qualitative spatial relation indicating that the locatum is relatively distant, as expressed by the prepositions 'far from', 'away from', etc."(xsd:string
  • Distribution rdfs:comment "The concept Distribution differs from all other categories in its required complex relatum.
    Therefore, it can only be used in cases of GeneralizedComplexLocations. Prepositions like
    among and between are indicating this concept."
  • East rdfs:comment "The absolute relation based on the cardinal direction east."(xsd:string
  • FrontProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation referring to the front side."(xsd:string
  • FrontProjectionExternal rdfs:comment "The external frontal relation indicating that the locatum is in the half plane closest to its front, e.g., 'in front of'."(xsd:string
  • FrontProjectionInternal rdfs:comment "The internal frontal relation indicating that the locatum is in the half plane closest to its front, e.g., 'in front of'."(xsd:string
  • FrontalProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation that referes to the front or back side."(xsd:string
  • FunctionalSpatialModality rdfs:comment "The most general type of functional spatial relations."(xsd:string
  • GeneralDirectional rdfs:comment "This less specific directional relation is expressed by a direction,
    such as "to", "from"."
  • GeneralizedComplexLocation rdfs:comment "This element specifies the location in a SpatialLocating or other non-abstract configurations. It is minimally defined
    by a spatial relation and a complex relatum, which has to be a DecomposableObject or consist of more
    than one entities. In addition, the accessibility to the speaker or listener can be given, and it has always a belonging spatial extent."
  • GeneralizedLocation rdfs:comment "The spatio-functional entity serving as the location in spatial locatings or other non-abstract configurations. It is minimally defined by a spatial relation, and a (potentially unspecified) relatum."(xsd:string
  • GeneralizedPathLocation rdfs:comment "GeneralizedPathLocation has an optional successor. This location is used in path-placement relations to represent lists of path placements."(xsd:string
  • GeneralizedRoute rdfs:comment "GeneralizedRoute represents a route description or parts of it that are described in a DirectedMotion configuration. It can have sources, pathIndications, destinations, placements, and pathPlacements."(xsd:string
  • HeightNonProjectionAxial rdfs:comment "The relative spatial modality in which gravity information is involved, referring to a vertical axis."(xsd:string
  • HorizontalProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation that is horiziontally oriented."(xsd:string
  • LateralProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation that refers to the right or left side."(xsd:string
  • LeftProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation that refers to the left side."(xsd:string
  • LeftProjectionExternal rdfs:comment "A external relative lateral relation indicating the locatum is somewhere in the left-hand side half plane."(xsd:string
  • LeftProjectionInternal rdfs:comment "An internal relative lateral relation indicating the locatum is somewhere in the left-hand side half plane."(xsd:string
  • MultipleDirectional rdfs:comment "This spatial modality represents diverse directions, as expressed in "zigzag", "to and fro", "back and forth", "around"."(xsd:string
  • NonAffectingDirectedMotion rdfs:comment "Motion that includes either a source, path, destination, or pathIndication or it includes a direction (in which the GeneralizedLocation does not define a relatum)."(xsd:string
  • NonAffectingMotion rdfs:comment "A type of an action defined by a motion verb, such as "He goes"."(xsd:string
  • NonAffectingOrienting rdfs:comment "NonAffectingOrienting describes a spatial configuration (happening) by using orientation information. It needs a direction."(xsd:string
  • NonAffectingSimpleMotion rdfs:comment "Motion that does not include a destination, but may include a location where the motion takes place. Example: 'He is dancing'."(xsd:string
  • NonAffectingSpatialDoing rdfs:comment "A spatial action, orientation or motion. In general, a placement where something happens may be specified"(xsd:string
  • NonDeicticSpatialTemporal rdfs:comment "A relationship of spatialtemporal locating that is classified as absolute. Absolute here refers to a posited property of temporal and spatial relationships concerning how they are treated by the grammar of English. Absolute spatiotemporal relationships are taken to be unchanging with respect to the observer. A relative relationship is one that moves with the observer. As an example, the notion of `today', `tomorrow', etc. do not stand still and allow the observer to pass them by, they move with the observer; this is in contrast to the notion of a `Monday', which can come and pass the observer by."(xsd:string
  • NonProjectionAxial rdfs:comment "A projective, axial relation that also provides the functionality
    of Access and Proximal. Possible prepositions for this category are "besides", "at the side". If a reference
    system is indicated, the axis has to be lateral."
  • North rdfs:comment "The absolute relation based on the cardinal direction north."(xsd:string
  • NorthExternal rdfs:comment "External cardinal relation of east, e.g. "To the north of Minnesota""(xsd:string
  • NorthInternal rdfs:comment "internal cardinal relation of North, e.g. "North Minnesota""(xsd:string
  • OverProjectionExternal rdfs:comment "The external vertical relation indicating that the locatum is higher on the vertical axis and has access to the relatum."(xsd:string
  • Parthood rdfs:comment "The reified relation of parthood such that for two spatial entities x and y, x is a part of y."(xsd:string
  • PathRepresenting rdfs:comment "This shape committing relation is represented by an inherently given path."(xsd:string
  • PathRepresentingExternal rdfs:comment "An external, path representing relation that indicates
    a distance, proximity as default. It results from the respective expression, if the related objects
    have contact. One common preposition is "along"."
  • PathRepresentingInternal rdfs:comment "An internal, path representing relation that at least
    indicates an overlap of both objects. Common prepositions are "across", "through"."
  • ProjectionRelation rdfs:comment "Any spatial relation situating an object configurationally according to one of the three principal spatial axes."(xsd:string
  • Proximal rdfs:comment "A qualitative spatial relation indicating relative proximity, as expressed by the prepositions 'near', 'close to', 'next to', etc."(xsd:string
  • QualitativeDistance rdfs:comment "Any spatial relation involving an explicit qualitative (ie non-quantitative) distance component, possibly assessed using functional criteria, 'The house is far from/near the river' (Tenbrink 2005: 58)."(xsd:string
  • QualitativeSpatialTemporal rdfs:comment "A spatial or temporal entity, that gives a qualitative information within a configuration. In "Turn slightly to the right", the term "slightly" would be represented by QualitativeSpatialTemporal."(xsd:string
  • QuantitativeDistance rdfs:comment "Any spatial relation that encodes distance expressed by metric information, 'The house is 20 meters from the motorway'."(xsd:string
  • QuantitativeSpatialTemporal rdfs:comment "A spatial or temporal entity, that gives a quantitative information within a configuration. In "Turn 45 degrees to the right", the term "45 degrees" would be represented by QuantitativeSpatialTemporal."(xsd:string
  • RelativeNonProjectionAxial rdfs:comment "The relative spatial modality that is represented by axial (lateral) spatial relations."(xsd:string
  • RelativeSpatialModality rdfs:comment "A relation denoting the position of an object in space based on certain properties of entities."(xsd:string
  • RightProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation that refers to the right side."(xsd:string
  • RightProjectionExternal rdfs:comment "A external relative lateral relation indicating the locatum is somewhere in the right-hand side half plane."(xsd:string
  • RightProjectionInternal rdfs:comment "An internal relative lateral relation indicating the locatum is somewhere in the right-hand side half plane."(xsd:string
  • Sequential rdfs:comment "This modality defines a sequential relationship between entities, e.g. "The dog chased after the man"."(xsd:string
  • SequentialQuality rdfs:comment "indicates spatial, sequential attributes of Elements that occur in spatial configurations, such as "it is on the *second* floor" or "take the *next* turn"."(xsd:string
  • ShapeCommitting rdfs:comment "This relation commits to a specific shape of the relatum."(xsd:string
  • South rdfs:comment "The absolute relation based on the cardinal direction south."(xsd:string
  • SpatialDistanceModality rdfs:comment "The relation that indicates some sort of qualitative or quantitative distance information."(xsd:string
  • SpatialLocating rdfs:comment "Any configuration whose function it is to locate some physical object in space. Instances must have one locatum and one placement."(xsd:string
  • SpatialModality rdfs:comment "Spatial modality is a reified spatial relation. It serves to define entities such as place by providing constraints that are relational in nature, that is, accompanied by a (potentially unspecified) relatum."(xsd:string
  • SpatialTemporalLocating rdfs:comment "Any configuration whose function it is to locate some object in space and time. Instances must have one locatum and at least one placement and 'time information'."(xsd:string
  • SpecificDirectional rdfs:comment "This spatial relation represents a specific direction. Possible expressions are "up", "down", "straight", "into", "ahead", etc."(xsd:string
  • Support rdfs:comment "The reified functional relation holding between two spatial objects x and y, such that x physically supports y in the presence of gravity; x and y need not be in contact. An example of such an expression is "The bowl is on the table"."(xsd:string
  • Surrounding rdfs:comment "The surrounding relation also provides a functional access between
    the related objects. If they have contact or not results from the expression. One possible
    preposition is "around"."
  • TemporalLocating rdfs:comment "Any configuration whose function it is to locate some process in time."(xsd:string
  • TopographicDirectional rdfs:comment "Directional relation that is expressed by topographical aspects, auch as "uphill",
    "downhill", etc."
  • UnderProjectionExternal rdfs:comment "The external vertical relation indicating that the locatum is lower on the vertical axis and has access to the relatum."(xsd:string
  • VerticalProjection rdfs:comment "A projective relation that is vertically oriented."(xsd:string
  • West rdfs:comment "The absolute relation based on the cardinal direction west."(xsd:string
  • accessibility rdfs:comment "accessibility of the locatum/actor/actee to the reference object (values: high or low)."(xsd:string
  • destination rdfs:comment "The destination of a DirectedMotion, defines where the motion ends."(xsd:string
  • direction rdfs:comment "A relation indicating directedness towards a place in a spatial locating or other non-abstract configuration."(xsd:string
  • extremeDistancePosition rdfs:comment "This relation gives additional information about the relation between two entities. It describes their distance by implying an extreme position. Ex.:"Go to the blue bowl closest to me"."(xsd:string
  • extremePosition rdfs:comment "This relation describes an extreme position referring to distance, axis, etc."(xsd:string
  • extremePositionOnAxis rdfs:comment "This relation gives additional information about the position on an axis of an entity. Ex.: ``It is the furthest left one''."(xsd:string
  • hasSpatialModality rdfs:comment "This is the relation holding between a GeneralizedLocation and a SpatialModality. It defines the spatio-functional relation of a GeneralizedLocation."(xsd:string
  • locatum rdfs:comment "The object which is located in space in a spatial locating configuration."(xsd:string
  • motionDirection rdfs:comment "DirectedMotion and OrientationChange configurations can specify the direction that gives information about the re-orientation of the motion."(xsd:string
  • nextPathIndication rdfs:comment "nextPathIndication represents a composition of GeneralizedPathLocations, that forms a path out of a series of single pathIndications. It defines the successor of one GeneralizedPathLocation, which is again a GeneralizedPathLocation."(xsd:string
  • nextPathPlacement rdfs:comment "This concept represents a composition of GeneralizedPathLocations, that forms a path out of a series of single paths."(xsd:string
  • orientationDirection rdfs:comment "DirectedMotion and OrientationChange configurations can specify the direction that gives information about the orientation."(xsd:string
  • orientationRoute rdfs:comment "a route that defines the path of an orientation of the actor."(xsd:string
  • pathIndication rdfs:comment "A pathIndication of a directed motion, defines a certain SpatialLocating which is indicating the path of the motion."(xsd:string
  • pathPlacement rdfs:comment "A pathPlacement is used for a description of paths within a DirectedMotion configuration. GeneralizedRoutes can have pathPlacements, which are filled by GeneralizedPathLocations."(xsd:string
  • placement rdfs:comment "A relation indicating the placement in a spatial locating or other non-abstract configuration."(xsd:string
  • qualitativeAngleExtent rdfs:comment "A qualitativeAngle, e.g. "turn a bit around"."(xsd:string
  • qualitativeDistanceExtent rdfs:comment "A qualitative distance extent, e.g. "go forward a bit"."(xsd:string
  • qualitativeSpatialExtent rdfs:comment "A relationship of extent that is classified as qualitative. Qualitative here refers to a posited property of spatial relationships concerning how they are treated by the grammar of a language."(xsd:string
  • quantitativeAngleExtent rdfs:comment "A quantitative angle extent, e.g.: "turn 180 degrees"."(xsd:string
  • quantitativeDistanceExtent rdfs:comment "A quantitative distance extent, e.g. "move forward 10 meters"."(xsd:string
  • quantitativeSpatialExtent rdfs:comment "A relationship of extent that is classified as quantitative. Quantitative here refers to a posited property of spatial relationships concerning how they are treated by the grammar of English. Absolute spatial relationships are taken to be unchanging with respect to the observer."(xsd:string
  • reciprocalRelation rdfs:comment "a reciprocal relationship between entities. In its spatial meaning, there exist a reciprocal relation between the locatum/actor/actee and the relatum. They are often equal, e.g. "They are beside each other"."(xsd:string
  • relatum rdfs:comment "This encodes the reference object in spatial locatings, and holds between a place and a spatial object."(xsd:string
  • route rdfs:comment "route can be part of a DirectdMotion configuration and it is filled by a GeneralizedRoute."(xsd:string
  • source rdfs:comment "The source of a motion process, defines where the motion starts."(xsd:string
  • spatialExtent rdfs:comment "A spatio relation of specifying the extent in space taken (e.g. `for five miles')."(xsd:string
  • Ability rdfs:comment "A modal qualification of the process, with respect to the ability to perform that process; typically realized by `can'."(xsd:string
  • Abstraction rdfs:comment "Something which exists in metaphorical or qualitative space rather than in physical space, e.g., truth."(xsd:string
  • AddresseeOriented rdfs:comment "AddresseeOriented defines a process for which the addressee is mandatory. However, in come cases the addressee may not be expressed."(xsd:string
  • Addressing rdfs:comment "It is mandatory for this configuration to have an addressee as a direct object."(xsd:string
  • AddressingVerbal rdfs:comment "AddressingVerbal configurations are expressed by the use of verbs which take the addressee as a direct object."(xsd:string
  • AffectingAction rdfs:comment "AffectingActions have an ACTEE role. They are always transitive, although they may be acteeintransitive. In this case, the actee is not specified, but is inferrable. For example, ``Henry hunts.'' In this case, we can infer that Henry hunts something in the category of `huntablethings'. AffectingActions can always have a beneficiary of the client type. This is expressed by the prepositional phrase: `for' client. Directed actions are further broken up into two subclasses depending upon whether or not the actee existed before the action occurred."(xsd:string
  • Age rdfs:comment "A sense and measure quality pertaining to the age of an entity."(xsd:string
  • AgePropertyAscription rdfs:comment "The type of ascription of property that ascribes a quality of age to an object."(xsd:string
  • Ambience rdfs:comment "A process describing an ambient condition, such as the weather, temperature, etc. The term "Meteorological Processes" is also sometimes used."(xsd:string
  • Ascription rdfs:comment "This two place relation captures the notion of membership in a set. In general, the domain (attribuend) will be filled by an object. The range (attribute) will be filled by a quality or by an object. Finer restrictions can be made based on the given attribute. This relation is typically expressed by the verb `be'. The inverse is AscriptionInverse. Note that this relation does not claim to be exhaustive."(xsd:string
  • AscriptionInverse rdfs:comment "The inverse of the Ascription relation. ClassAscription offers an alternative to the subclass relation. For example, we may want to say "John is a democrat" without making John a subclass of Democrat."(xsd:string
  • AtLeast rdfs:comment "An ascription of relative quantity that puts a lower bound on the quantity ascribed."(xsd:string
  • AtMost rdfs:comment "An ascription of relative quantity that puts an upper bound on the quantity ascribed."(xsd:string
  • BehavioralQuality rdfs:comment "Behavioral qualities are qualities which characterize the behavior of a conscious being."(xsd:string
  • BehavioralVerbal rdfs:comment "This concept describes processes of configurations which fall in between classes of "material and verbal processes" (Bateman, Henschel, and Rinaldi 1995: 42). Including both, material processes that represent human behaviours ("moan", "groan", etc.) and which can be used like verbal processes (e.g. projection), and verbal processes (like "John is talking about the President") which do not share typical properties of verbal processes (e.g. projection)."(xsd:string
  • BeingAndHaving rdfs:comment "A Configuration that relates its participants rather than describing an action of one on another. In contrast to DoingANDHappening, not input of energy is required nor is it always the case that there will be change over time (HM 1999: 132)."(xsd:string
  • Believe rdfs:comment "The involuntary mental process of holding a belief."(xsd:string
  • Causal rdfs:comment "This concept defines a Configuration, in which one of the participants is the cause of the other. Hence, one of the participants occupies the role "cause", and the other one "effect" (Bateman, Rinaldi, and Henschel 1995, p. 33)."(xsd:string
  • Circumstance rdfs:comment "Circumstances are often realized as adverbial groups or prepositional phrases. The kinds of entities that can be used as circumstances (places, times, etc.) can also serve as participants in the appropriate configurations. Circumstances fill circumstantial roles in figures. Most circumstantial elements embody some feature of grammatical metaphor. Of those that do not, the most usual are those of time, place, manner, quality and intensity. Circumstances are realized as adverbial groups or prepositional phrases. Circumstances expressed as adverbial groups come from the CIRCUMSTANCE hierarchy, while those expressed as prepositional phrases are represented as circumstantial relations [HM99, p. ]."(xsd:string
  • Circumstantial rdfs:comment "This class relates an entity to its cause, generalized location (in space, time, abstract space), or other circumstance-like entities (Bateman, Rinaldi, and Henschel 1995, p. 33)."(xsd:string
  • CircumstantialOther rdfs:comment "This concepts captures all Circumstantial configurations which are not"(xsd:string
  • ClassAscription rdfs:comment "For this two place relation, both the domain (functioning as `attribuend') and the range (functioning as `attribute') are restricted to be filled by objects. This relation corresponds to the SuperClass notion. It too is often expressed by the verb `be'. For example, ``Henry is a teacher.''"(xsd:string
  • ClassQuality rdfs:comment "This category may contain various taxonomies."(xsd:string
  • Cognition rdfs:comment "Processes of cognition realized by the verbs `think', `believe', `know', `understand', `realize'."(xsd:string
  • Color rdfs:comment "A sense and measure quality pertaining to color."(xsd:string
  • ColorPropertyAscription rdfs:comment "The type of ascription of property that ascribes a quality of color to an object."(xsd:string
  • CommunicativeAttitude rdfs:comment "CommunicativeAttitude verbal configurations are realized by means of a verb for which the addressee as well as the message cannot be expressed by a direct complement (e.g. "complain")."(xsd:string
  • Conditional rdfs:comment "A type of modal quality. Modal qualities that are conditional are expressed by `would', `might', `could', etc."(xsd:string
  • Configuration rdfs:comment "A Configuration, or 'figure', is the basic fragment of experience that embodies one quantum of change (HM 1999: 128). It is the totality of all the Elements participating in some activity or state of affairs (Bateman, Henschel, and Rinaldi 1995: 13). Configurations are expressed at the level of the clause and potentially consist of three components: the Process itself, Participants in the Process, and Circumstances associated with the Process. A Configuration must contain just one Process. It unfolds through time."(xsd:string
  • Conjunction rdfs:comment "A logical additive combination of two or more configurations; often realized by conjoining with `and', `also', `in addition', etc."(xsd:string
  • ConsciousBeing rdfs:comment "An active entity that is capable of producing information that may be ascribed consciousness; e.g. a person."(xsd:string
  • CreativeMaterialAction rdfs:comment "Actions in this category create their actee. For example, ``Mary baked a cake.'' All actions in this category can be realized using the verbs `create' or `make'."(xsd:string
  • DecomposableObject rdfs:comment "An object that is being viewed as being made up of parts that may be taken apart and are often given explicit linguistic recognition."(xsd:string
  • DiffuseMatter rdfs:comment "Distinguish between explicit focus on referent, and more general, diffuse reference (from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • Disjunction rdfs:comment "A logical disjunctive combination of two or more configurations; often realized by conjoining with `or' or `alternatively'."(xsd:string
  • DisjunctiveSet rdfs:comment "A set of alternatives."(xsd:string
  • Disliking rdfs:comment "A mental reaction that is negative towards some object or state of affairs."(xsd:string
  • DispositiveMaterialAction rdfs:comment "Actions in this category affect their actee. This category includes any verbs that describe an action on something that already exists, e.g. ``Eunice ate the cake.''"(xsd:string
  • DoingAndHappening rdfs:comment "A Configuration that requires the input of energy usually from one of the participants. It also involves change over time, such as circumstantial change, qualitative change, or change in possession (HM 1999: 132).

    DoingANDHappening includes both intentional actions, i.e. actions with a volitional actor, e.g. ``The mouse ran up the clock'' and happenings, such as Erosion and Disintegration, e.g. ``The wall came tumbling down.'' The role of this relation is: Actor. This should be value-restricted to simplethings excluding things created by mental processing (e.g. facts) and speech (direct or indirect). Material actions which are in the process of occurring are typically expressed in the present progressive tense. Compare the following: ``My watch says it is 4:30pm.'' vs. ``Henry is going to the market.'' Thus, a test for determining whether a concept falls into this category is to look at the natural way of expressing the concept. For example, ``The house collapses'' (nonprogressive) vs. ``The house is collapsing'' (progressive)."
  • DynamicQuality rdfs:comment "A quality can be stative or dynamic. A quality is dynamic if the entity possessing this quality must exert some effort in order to maintain the quality. Stative qualities hold regardless of any particular process. Dynamic qualities can be expressed using the present progressive tense, i.e. they can take the form: `X is being quality.' John is being clever/skillful/creative/enthusiastic. Stative qualities cannot take this form: *John is being dead/German/tall. These can take the simple present only."(xsd:string
  • Elaboration rdfs:comment "An expansion such that the two configurations offer different perspectives of the same thing. E.g., `it matters a lot; it plays an important role' (HM 1999: 117)."(xsd:string
  • Element rdfs:comment "An Element is a single 'stand-alone' object or conceptual item (Bateman, Henschel, and Rinaldi 1995, p. 13). They are expressed as constituents below the clause. Elements fill roles of Configurations."(xsd:string
  • ElementList rdfs:comment "A type of PartWhole relationship, such as that holding is between a list and its elements. It is the inverse of the ElementList relation."(xsd:string
  • ElementOf rdfs:comment "The inverse of the Element relation."(xsd:string
  • Enhancement rdfs:comment "An expansion such that configuration qualifies the other; e.g., `it is autumn, so the leaves are turning brown' (HM 1999: 117)."(xsd:string
  • EvaluativeQuality rdfs:comment "Qualities which belong to this class are determined by some value system of some conscious being. Such a value system may be moral, aesthetic, or utilitarian. Moral qualities include `honest', `polite', `generous'. `Beautiful', `neat' are examples of aesthetic qualities. `Readable', `easy', and `thorough' are some taskoriented qualities."(xsd:string
  • Exactly rdfs:comment "A relation of focusing or restricting an attribution of quantity."(xsd:string
  • Existence rdfs:comment "A one-place relation found, for example, in ``There is a block.'' Note that the notion of `state' does not come out as a category of special status in the upper model. Instead, what we may think of as state is spread out over several concepts, e.g. relations and qualities. If considerations of inferencing require the notion of state, it will be necessary to recognize it as a separate category."(xsd:string
  • Expansion rdfs:comment "A multiconfiguration of two configurations such that they both occupy the same order of reality, and such that one adds dimensionality to the other (HM 1999: 117)."(xsd:string
  • Extension rdfs:comment "An expansion such that the first configuration is additive to the other in terms of information value; e.g., `he is too young and he doesn't speak the language' (HM 1999: 117)."(xsd:string
  • External rdfs:comment "A process of communication with at least one participant playing the sayer role, and possibly an participant playing a reciever role (HM 1999: 129--130). The sayer is not necessarily an entity endowed with consciousness (HM 1999: 135)."(xsd:string
  • Fearing rdfs:comment "A mental reaction that is negative towards some object or state of affairs and which invokes fear."(xsd:string
  • Female rdfs:comment "A object that is to be considered female, for, e.g., pronominalization purposes."(xsd:string
  • Future rdfs:comment "A time interval taking place in the future."(xsd:string
  • GUMThing rdfs:comment "The most general experiential category that can be expressed through the resources of the lexicogrammar of a language. UMThing corresponds to 'phenomena' in Halliday and Mathiessen (1999: 48)."(xsd:string
  • GeneralPossibility rdfs:comment "A general possibility relationship is a modal modification of a process that indicates that the process may occur; it is typically realized using the modal `may'."(xsd:string
  • GeneralizedLocating rdfs:comment "A concept for specifying the location of an entity in physical space, time, or in a more abstract space (Bateman, Rinaldi, and Henschel 1995, p. 33)."(xsd:string
  • GeneralizedPossession rdfs:comment "GeneralizedPossession logically has two roles: POSSESSOR (the domain) and POSSESSED (the range). The notion of generalized possession is often expressed as: {possessor} `has' {possessed}. In general, relations in this category can also be expressed with a possessive form, e.g. `John's book', `Henry's sister'."(xsd:string
  • GeneralizedPossessionInverse rdfs:comment "The inverse of the GeneralizedPossession relation."(xsd:string
  • GeneralizedRoleRelation rdfs:comment "This is the generalized perspective on an entity that `has some relationship' with another. When no more specific information concerning available grammatical realizations is given, subtypes ({role}) of this relationship can be used to generate language of the form: ``{domain} has {range} as {role}'' or ``{domain}'s {role} is {range}''."(xsd:string
  • GreaterThan rdfs:comment "A relative quantity ascription that specifies a range beginning at some lower bound."(xsd:string
  • GreaterThanComparison rdfs:comment "The scaled comparison that compares by stating that a quality holds more rather than less."(xsd:string
  • Hailing rdfs:comment "A process describing a hailing condition."(xsd:string
  • IdeaProjection rdfs:comment "A projection such that the configuration in the range refers to the meaning content of what someone said or thought (HM 1999: 108)."(xsd:string
  • IdeaQuoting rdfs:comment "The projecting of an idea by a Configuration such that the projected idea is equal to the other in terms of semantic status (HM 1999: 114). E.g., "Harriet thought, 'Should I feed the cat'.""(xsd:string
  • IdeaReporting rdfs:comment "The projecting of one idea by another such that the projected idea is not equal to the other in terms of semantic status; they have different 'semantic weights' (HM 1999: 114) E.g., "Harriet wondered whether she should feed the cat"."(xsd:string
  • Identity rdfs:comment "The type of relation between entities that states that they are in some sense identical or overlapping. Sentences typical of this type of relation are `X is Y', or `X is mine'."(xsd:string
  • Intensive rdfs:comment "Intensive relations are those which ascribe a property to an object, or which identify or symbolize it."(xsd:string
  • Intention rdfs:comment "An Intention configuration has a mental process that captures the notion of actively pursuing a determinate aim.

    Reaction (2.0) becomes Intention (3.0) to avoid confusion."
  • Internal rdfs:comment "A communicative Configuration that projects ideas into existence (HM 1999: 136). At least one concious participant playing the senser role is required (HM 1999: 129--130). If this constraint is violated by an utterance, the utterance is grammatically metaphorical. E.g., ``I think I'll give it up.''
    There is also a role for the PHENOMENON of mental processing ()."
  • Know rdfs:comment "A mental process describing the involuntary state of knowing that something is the case."(xsd:string
  • LessThan rdfs:comment "A relative quantity ascription with respect to a higher bound."(xsd:string
  • LessThanComparison rdfs:comment "The scaled comparison that compares by stating that a quality holds less rather than more."(xsd:string
  • Liking rdfs:comment "An involuntary favorable mental/emotional reaction to some entity or state of affairs, or a process that presupposes a favorable reaction, e.g. to `want' or `strive' to bring something about."(xsd:string
  • LocutionProjection rdfs:comment "A projection such that the range configuration is what someone said (HM 1999: 108)."(xsd:string
  • LocutionQuoting rdfs:comment "The projecting of speech by a Configuration such that the projected speech is equal to the other in terms of semantic status (HM 1999: 114). E.g., "Harriet said, 'Should I feed the cat'.""(xsd:string
  • LocutionReporting rdfs:comment "The projecting of one locution by another such that the projected locution is not equal to the other in terms of semantic status; they have different 'semantic weights' (HM 1999: 114) E.g., "Harriet asked whether she should feed the cat"."(xsd:string
  • LogicalPropertyAscription rdfs:comment "?? The type of ascription of property that ascribes a logical parameter to an object (like true or false)."(xsd:string
  • LogicalUniqueness rdfs:comment ""(xsd:string
  • Male rdfs:comment "A object that is to be considered male, for, e.g., pronominalization purposes."(xsd:string
  • MaterialClassQuality rdfs:comment "MaterialClassQuality describes the quality of being made of a particular material, e.g. wood, metal, etc."(xsd:string
  • MaterialPropertyAscription rdfs:comment "The general ascription of a material world quality."(xsd:string
  • MaterialWorldQuality rdfs:comment "Material qualities can be thought of as those qualities which are evident when the referent is looked at, weighed, measured, etc. Examples include: `heavy', `blue', `American', `readable', `efficient', `maintainable'. The referents of these qualities are things."(xsd:string
  • MentalActive rdfs:comment "This is another specialization of actions concerned with mental processing. Examples of verbs which would fall into this category are: `convince', `please'. Also the verb `will', in the context: ``I will that something be the case''."(xsd:string
  • MentalInactive rdfs:comment "Concepts in this category describe passive, inactive mental processing. There are 3 subtypes of this category: Perception (e.g. `see`, `hear`, `taste`, `smell`, `feel`), Cognition (e.g. `think`, `believe`, `know`, `understand`, `realize`), and Reaction/Emotion/Affection (e.g. `love`, `hate`, `want`, `wish`, `fear`, `desire`.) MentalInactives do not normally take the progressive form. Recall that materialactions do take the progressive form.Passivization is rare for most of these, except in the case where the phenomenon is a noun phrase, e.g. ``Henry likes Mary.'' ``Mary is liked by Henry.'' but not ``Henry likes to go to the races.'' ``*To go to the races is liked by Henry.'' These also often form `reversal pairs'. One of the mental actions in the pair is active, the other is inactive (or inactive), e.g.``I *like* bananas.'' vs. ``Bananas *please* me.'' Other pairs are {fear, frighten}, {wonder, amaze}, {desire, attract}. Compare this to actions where reversal is only possible using passive voice."(xsd:string
  • MessageOriented rdfs:comment "For MessageOriented verbal processes the message is an obligatory role, although the message may not always be expressed."(xsd:string
  • MessageTransfer rdfs:comment "MessageTransfer verbal configurations are usually realized by means of verbs having the message as a direct complement but the addressee as an indirect complement."(xsd:string
  • ModalPropertyAscription rdfs:comment "The ascription of a modal quality, typically to a process."(xsd:string
  • ModalQuality rdfs:comment "Qualities of being able to do something, wanting to do something, having to do something, and so forth."(xsd:string
  • MultiConfiguration rdfs:comment "Formerly labelled 'sequence' (GUM 2.0), this is a series of related Configurations. Various sorts of Sequences are differentiated by the type of relation they enter into. Every MultiConfiguration consists of two ordered parts, a first and a second participant, which is a Configuration or a MultiConfiguration. Furthermore, MultiConfigurations are either Equative or NonEquative (HM 1999: 50)."(xsd:string
  • Name rdfs:comment "An accepted but possibly arbitrary label for some entity."(xsd:string
  • NameEvent rdfs:comment "The process of giving something a name. It does not intrinsically require an addressee (non-addressee-oriented)."(xsd:string
  • NameOf rdfs:comment "The relation that holds betwen a name and its bearer."(xsd:string
  • NameRelation rdfs:comment "The relation that holds between a name's bearer and that name."(xsd:string
  • NamedObject rdfs:comment "Objects which typically have names."(xsd:string
  • NaturalNumber rdfs:comment "A type of abstraction referring to numerical value."(xsd:string
  • Necessity rdfs:comment "An example of a modal quality."(xsd:string
  • NonAddresseeOriented rdfs:comment "This concepts describes verbal processes that do not intrinsically require an addressee. If the addressee occurs it must always be indirect."(xsd:string
  • NonAddressing rdfs:comment "This BehavioralVerbal configuration has no direct adressee."(xsd:string
  • NonAffectingAction rdfs:comment "NonAffectingActions have no `actee', or the `actee' is not created or affected by the action. They are often (though not necessarily) intransitive. In the case they are transitive, the object is not affected or created by the action. Instead it specifies a range of the action. For example, ``I play the piano/ tennis.'' This specifies that I am capable of a typical kind of playing. All verbs of movement are examples of NonAffectingActions, e.g. `climb', `walk', `fly', `fall', `run'. Skills, such as `read (book)', `listen (music)', `speak (French), etc. are included in this category. In addition, the verbs `have' as in `have lunch', `take' as in `take a shower', `do' as in `do a dance', and `make' are in this category."(xsd:string
  • NonAffectingDoing rdfs:comment "An action where the "actor" is one who intentionally performs the action. Verbs of movement, like "climb", "walk", etc., are examples of such actions."(xsd:string
  • NonAffectingHappening rdfs:comment "An action where something is happening. Also where the "actor" is not volitionally performing the action."(xsd:string
  • NonConditional rdfs:comment "A type of modal quality. Modal qualities that are not conditional are expressed with modalities such as: "will", "must", "can", etc."(xsd:string
  • NonConsciousThing rdfs:comment "Some entities are just not treated by the language to be conscious. They go here."(xsd:string
  • NonDecomposableObject rdfs:comment "An object that is being regarded as not possessing significant parts, or which is not to be considered decomposable for present purposes."(xsd:string
  • NonMessageOriented rdfs:comment "A process of a NonMessageOriented configuration does not intrinsically require a message. If a message occurs it must always be indirect."(xsd:string
  • NonScalableQuality rdfs:comment "A NonScaleableQuality is either possessed by an object or it is not. `Empty' is a nonscaleable quality. A quality is scaleable if an object may possess it to varying degrees. For example, `heavy' is a scaleable quality. We can describe objects as being `very heavy', or `more' or `less' heavy than other objects."(xsd:string
  • NonVolitional rdfs:comment "A nonvolitional process is one where the actor did not take, or is not expressed as taking, direct responsibility for the process."(xsd:string
  • NumberFocusing rdfs:comment "The relation of being more specific about a quantity that is being ascribed. This contrasts with quantity, which provides no additional information concerning the quantity apart from its value."(xsd:string
  • OneOrTwoDLocation rdfs:comment "A spatial object that is either a line or a plane."(xsd:string
  • OneOrTwoDTime rdfs:comment "A temporal object that is a time interval or smaller scale succession of time intervals, e.g. a day (in opposition to a year). This is clearly a matter of the perspective that is being drawn in particular cases."(xsd:string
  • OrderedObject rdfs:comment "A type of decomposable object whose parts have an intrinsic ordering of their own; for example, the elements of a list, the carriages of a train, etc. (Used to be "Element".)"(xsd:string
  • OrderedSet rdfs:comment "A set whose elements are ordered."(xsd:string
  • OwnedBy rdfs:comment "The inverse of the Ownership relation."(xsd:string
  • Ownership rdfs:comment "This is a relation between the owner of an object and the object. It has the same roles as GeneralizedPossession, but the possessor role could be valuerestricted to ACTIVEENTITY. Ownership may be expressed as ``{possessor} `own' {possessed>}' or ``{possessed} `belongs to' {possessor}''."(xsd:string
  • Part rdfs:comment "One of the participants in a PartWhole relation."(xsd:string
  • PartOf rdfs:comment "The inverse of the Part relation."(xsd:string
  • PartWhole rdfs:comment "This is a relation between an entity and its parts. It logically has two roles: WHOLE (the domain) and PART (the range). How this relation is expressed in the language seems to depend on the type of object that fills the WHOLE role. At the most general level, this relation can be expressed as: ``{Part} `be an element of' {whole} or ``{part} `be a component of' {whole}'', or "{whole} has {part}". (The latter is inherited from the superconcept GeneralizedPossession.)"(xsd:string
  • Past rdfs:comment "A time interval taking place in the past."(xsd:string
  • Perception rdfs:comment "An involuntary mental process of perceiving a phenomenon."(xsd:string
  • Person rdfs:comment "A type of conscious being pronominalizeable by `she', `he', etc. rather than by `it'."(xsd:string
  • PolarQuality rdfs:comment "A quality is polar if it has a corresponding quality describing its opposite or the absence of this quality entirely. A polar quality is not part of a larger taxonomy. E.g. `heavy'/`light', `dead'/`alive'. All qualities which are not polar are taxonomic, i.e. the possible values can be listed. For example, the quality of being mammal is part of some taxonomy."(xsd:string
  • Possibility rdfs:comment "A general modal quality."(xsd:string
  • Present rdfs:comment "A time interval taking place at present."(xsd:string
  • Process rdfs:comment "A Process is the linguistic construal of `goings-on' or events. Processes are similar to Configurations, but factor out Participants, Circumstances, and other elements. As such, entities classified under Process can be expressed as verbs and are frequently the main verb in a clause."(xsd:string
  • Projection rdfs:comment "A semiotic projection such that a configuration of saying or thinking (the domain) 'projects' another configuration (the range) onto a different plane of reality, that is, the `content plane', as in the reporting of what someone said or thought. The second is then dependent upon the first (HM 1999: 108, 111)."(xsd:string
  • ProperVerbal rdfs:comment "Unlike BehavioralVerbal this concept describes a configuration with a regular verbal process. We distinguish between addressee-oriented (e.g. "tell") and non-addressee-oriented (e.g. "say"), message-oriented (e.g. "prove") and non-message-oriented (e.g. "inform")."(xsd:string
  • PropertyAscription rdfs:comment "The relation describing membership in the set of entities having a particular property. This is expressed by a property that can be used as a set descriptor. For example, ``The students are intelligent.'' i.e. they belong to the class of intelligent ones. Note that 'intelligent' is a quality. We need many specializations of property ascription corresponding to different types of qualities."(xsd:string
  • PropertyOf rdfs:comment "The inverse of the PropertyAscription relation."(xsd:string
  • ProvenanceClassQuality rdfs:comment "Information that constrains reference by place, institution, social group or other social category of origin."(xsd:string
  • ProvenancePropertyAscription rdfs:comment "The relation of ascribing a provenance class quality to an entity."(xsd:string
  • Quantity rdfs:comment "The relation of ascribing a quantity to some entity. This contrasts with NumberFocusing, which provides information additional to the value of the quantity being ascribed, e.g. a range bounded by some value."(xsd:string
  • QuantityAscription rdfs:comment "The relation of ascribing a quantity to an entity."(xsd:string
  • Quoting rdfs:comment "A Projection such the two configurations have equal status. The two have equal status as independent configurations; the projected configuration is thus projected as if it was still part of the same first-order reality (HM 1999: 111)."(xsd:string
  • Raining rdfs:comment "A process describing a raining condition."(xsd:string
  • ReactionAndEmotion rdfs:comment "An inactive mental process that captures an uncontrolled emotional response to something or some state of affairs in terms of its appeal. Examples would be FEARING and DISLIKING on the negative side, and LIKING on the positive side."(xsd:string
  • Relating rdfs:comment "A configuration indicating a relation holding between two entities. A relating must contain at least a domain and an attribute."(xsd:string
  • Reporting rdfs:comment "A projection such the two configurations have unequal status. The latter is on a second-order plane of reality (HM 1999: 111)."(xsd:string
  • RolePlaying rdfs:comment "A circumstantial relationship that expresses a restriction in which a facet of one of the participants in a process is relevant for the actualization of the process. The participation of a participant which is specified in, and has a definite participant function (such as actor, goal, senser, and phenomenon to the process) is restricted to a particular role, part, or function within the particular participant function being performed. It is frequently realized in English by a prepositional phrase with the preposition `as'; For example: ``As a president, he was terrible, although as a golfer he was not too bad.''"(xsd:string
  • SayingAndSensing rdfs:comment "Configurations that can project symbolically. Projective sequences, ie Projections, construe SayingANDSensing on two levels: the level of SayingANDSensing cum Configuration and the level of content of SayingANDSensing (HM 1999: 128--129)."(xsd:string
  • ScalableQuality rdfs:comment "A quality is scaleable if an object may possess it to varying degrees. For example, `heavy' is a scaleable quality. We can describe objects as being `very heavy', or `more' or `less' heavy than other objects. A nonscaleable quality is either possessed by an object or it is not. `Empty' is a nonscaleable quality."(xsd:string
  • ScaledComparison rdfs:comment "A relationship of comparison of an object with respect to its carrying a specified property to a greater or lesser degree."(xsd:string
  • SenseANDMeasureQuality rdfs:comment "These are qualities that are sensed or measured by conscious beings. For example, this category would include qualities of age (young, old), of weight (light, heavy), price (expensive, cheap), etc."(xsd:string
  • Signification rdfs:comment "Relations concerned with Signification are linguistically realized by verbs like "represent", "mean", "express", e.g., "green means go"."(xsd:string
  • SimpleQuality rdfs:comment "Qualities are properties of SimpleThings and Processes. They participate in property ascription relations. Roughly speaking, qualities include anything that can be expressed as an English adjective."(xsd:string
  • SimpleThing rdfs:comment "An entity which may participate in a configuration."(xsd:string
  • Size rdfs:comment "A property of size."(xsd:string
  • SizePropertyAscription rdfs:comment "The relationship of ascribing a size to an entity."(xsd:string
  • Snowing rdfs:comment "A process describing a snowing condition."(xsd:string
  • Space rdfs:comment "Space as an undecomposable mass."(xsd:string
  • SpaceInterval rdfs:comment "Space as a decomposible set of points, intervals, or volumes."(xsd:string
  • SpacePoint rdfs:comment "Space as a point."(xsd:string
  • SpatialObject rdfs:comment "The general concept of spatial objects, including all points, paths, volumes, undivided wholes, etc."(xsd:string
  • SpatialTemporal rdfs:comment "The generalized timespace object, under which all time and space objects lie."(xsd:string
  • SpecificMatter rdfs:comment "Distinguish between explicit focus on referent, and more general, diffuse reference (from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • StativeQuality rdfs:comment "Stative qualities hold regardless of any particular process. Dynamic qualities can be expressed using the present progressive tense, i.e. they can take the form: ``X is being *quality*.'' ``John is being clever/skillful/creative/enthusiastic.'' Stative qualities cannot. ``*John is being dead/German/tall.'' These can take the simple present only."(xsd:string
  • StatusQuality rdfs:comment "StatusQuality is a quality of an object, independent of the observer. For example, specializations of this category could be the quality LIFESTATUS which would be further broken down into the classes DEAD and ALIVE."(xsd:string
  • Striving rdfs:comment "A type of mental reaction that attempts to bring about some state of affairs or event."(xsd:string
  • SubjectMatter rdfs:comment "Expressed as: be about, as in: "This document is about the entity hierarchy.'' (from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • Substance rdfs:comment "E.g., water, grass, flour, butter. The bounded region for substances is not in the domain of physical space, since they are in principle indefinitely expandable in space. Rather, their bounded region is in the domain of some quality spectrum (taste, color, texture, solidity, etc.)."(xsd:string
  • Sunning rdfs:comment "A process describing a sunning condition."(xsd:string
  • Symbolization rdfs:comment "This category contains relations that hold between entities and other entities they `symbolize'. Concepts in this class logically have two roles: SYMBOL (the domain) and SYMBOLIZED (the range). One relation in this category is the relation between an object and a name which identifies that object."(xsd:string
  • TaxonomicQuality rdfs:comment "All qualities which are not polar are taxonomic, i.e. the possible values can be listed. For example, the quality of being mammal is part of some taxonomy."(xsd:string
  • TemporalObject rdfs:comment "The general concept of temporal objects, including all points, paths, volumes, undivided wholes, etc."(xsd:string
  • Think rdfs:comment "The mental process of thinking."(xsd:string
  • ThreeDLocation rdfs:comment "A three dimensional space."(xsd:string
  • ThreeDTime rdfs:comment "A portion of time that is being viewed as of sufficiently large scale to need expression as if it were a volume within which thing occured (e.g. in 1966), rather than a plane on which things occured (e.g. on that day)."(xsd:string
  • Time rdfs:comment "Time as a general undecomposable substance."(xsd:string
  • TimeInterval rdfs:comment "A time interval."(xsd:string
  • TimePoint rdfs:comment "A time point."(xsd:string
  • UMSet rdfs:comment "An abstract assemblage of elements."(xsd:string
  • UsePropertyAscription rdfs:comment "The relationship of ascribing a use to an entity."(xsd:string
  • Volitional rdfs:comment "A modal quality concerned with the actor's active decision or volition in the performance of a process."(xsd:string
  • Wanting rdfs:comment "A type of mental reaction that wants to bring about some state of affairs or event."(xsd:string
  • Winding rdfs:comment "A process describing a winding condition."(xsd:string
  • Word rdfs:comment "A type of abstraction for the representation and expression of ideas."(xsd:string
  • ZeroDLocation rdfs:comment "A point in space."(xsd:string
  • ZeroDTime rdfs:comment "A point in time."(xsd:string
  • accompaniment rdfs:comment "This relation holds between objects which participate jointly in some process. Accompaniment may be expressed as: {independent-argument} `be with' {dependent-argument}; or by a prepositional phrase beginning with the preposition `with' as in: {independent- argument} ... `with' {dependent-argument}. Note that it is not necessary for both of the participants to be aware of the participation. Thus both of the following sentences are examples of this relation: (1) John went for a walk with Mary. (2) John went for a walk with his umbrella. The relation also allows for variation in both a positive and negative direction. For example, `without' is also a type of accompaniment, albeit negative, as is `instead of', which is an accompaniment of alternative."(xsd:string
  • actee rdfs:comment "A process participant describing the entity to which a process is `done', `carried out on', etc., e.g. "John took a bath". The verb carries no info about what the process is actually doing."(xsd:string
  • actor rdfs:comment "A transitivity function in a material clause; the participant always inherent in the clause according to the transitive model of transitivity. The process it participates in may or may not extend to affect another participant, the Goal. For instance, (Actor:) Henry (Process:) dove; (Actor:) Henry (Process:) kicked (Goal:) the ugly duckling."(xsd:string
  • additive rdfs:comment "One type of accompaniment that may holds between objects which participate jointly in some process. This form of accompaniment states that the accompaniment is positive and actual; it may be expressed by a prepositional phrase beginning with the preposition `as well as' as in: {independent-argument} ... `as well as' {dependent-argument}. The following sentences is an example of this relation: John went for a walk with Mary as well as Joan."(xsd:string
  • addressee rdfs:comment "Receiver of the communicative process, e.g. ``Henry told *me* that dinner would be ready at 6:00pm.'' This is called 'receiver' in Halliday and Matthiessen (1999: 130)."(xsd:string
  • agentive rdfs:comment "A type of participant and generalized-means that captures the notion of causal responsibility for a process' perfomance."(xsd:string
  • alphaParticipantInMultiConfiguration rdfs:comment "For binary relations: this participant defines the starting point of the MultiConfiguration."(xsd:string
  • alternative rdfs:comment "One type of accompaniment that may holds between objects which participate jointly in some process. This form of accompaniment states that the accompaniment is positive but replacing; i.e., that some object participated in a process or state as an alternative to some other. It may be expressed as a prepositional phrase beginning with the preposition `instead'. as in: {independent-argument} ... `with' {dependent-argument}. Note that it is not necessary for both of the participants to be aware of the participation. Thus both of the following sentences are examples of this relation: (1) John went for a walk with Joan instead of Mary. (2) John went for a walk with his blue shoes instead of his white ones."(xsd:string
  • anterior rdfs:comment "A relation between intervals that specifies their order in time. A type of temporal locating, a spatio-temporal circumstantial. Here one interval is said to be prior to another."(xsd:string
  • attribuend rdfs:comment "The participant in a scaled comparison whose possession of a quality is being compared."(xsd:string
  • attribute rdfs:comment "The role played by the value in a Relating (HM 1999: 151)."(xsd:string
  • beneficiary rdfs:comment "A transitivity function in the clause, according to the generalized ergative transitivity model: the participant benefitting from the actualization of the combination of Process+Medium. In a material clause, it is the Recipient (My aunt gave *the farmer* a duckpress) or the Client (Pour *me* out a cold Dos Equis beer) and in a verbal one, it is the addressee (Joe told *us* all about Eve). It also occurs in a few relational clause types (I owe *you* an apology) and mental clauses (I envy *you* your luck; I don't begrudge *you* your happiness)."(xsd:string
  • betaParticipantInMultiConfiguration rdfs:comment "For binary relations: this participant is dependent on the first participant of the MultiConfiguration. It usually extends the first participant."(xsd:string
  • carrier rdfs:comment "The role played by the thing that has attributes or is identified in Relatings (HM 1999: 183)."(xsd:string
  • causalRelation rdfs:comment "Causal-relation logically has two roles: cause (the domain) and effect (the range). At this most general level, causality may be expressed as: {effect} `because' {cause}, or {cause} `cause' {effect}."(xsd:string
  • causeEffect rdfs:comment "This captures the relationship of one thing being the cause of another, the effect."(xsd:string
  • circumstanceInConfiguration rdfs:comment "This relates a Configuration to a Circumstance."(xsd:string
  • client rdfs:comment "The role of beneficiary where something is done for another person."(xsd:string
  • compareQuality rdfs:comment "The slot in a scaled comparison that contains that quality with respect to which an object (the attribuend) is being compared."(xsd:string
  • comparison rdfs:comment "This category encompasses relations which indicate how similar or dissimilar two entities are. One subcategory is so-far discriminated: SIMILARITY. Difference could be presented as a further subtype, and equality could be a further specialization of similarity. Verbs articulated by this category include: `resemble', `differ from', `be similar to', `be different than', `be like', `match', `fit', etc. A grammatical characteristic of entities in this category is that they are symmetric, i.e. subject and object can be interchanged without passivization. Note however, that the passive form is still possible. For example, `` Henry resembles Joan. Joan resembles Henry. Joan is resembled by Henry.''"(xsd:string
  • concessive rdfs:comment "One type of generalized causation relationship. This relation states that some process occured despite some other event or state of affairs holding. It is typically realized in English by the preposition `despite' therefore."(xsd:string
  • concurrent rdfs:comment "Concurrent temporal intervals overlap or occupy the same moments of time (from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • condition rdfs:comment "A conditional relation describing a more general reason relation, e.g. "if...then"."(xsd:string
  • difference rdfs:comment "A sub-type of the comparison relationship that picks out negative comparison."(xsd:string
  • domain rdfs:comment "One of the required relations in a Relating. Necessary for generation, but could be deleted later if the generator is changed."(xsd:string
  • enablement rdfs:comment "A type of generalized means; this relation refers to a possible enabling relationship between the actualization of some process or state of affairs and an entity, state of affairs, or other process."(xsd:string
  • exclusive rdfs:comment "A subtype of accompaniment that picks out the negative nature of accompaniment; an exclusive accompaniment indicates that accompaniment occured at the expense of, or instead of some entity that did not accompany."(xsd:string
  • exhaustiveDuration rdfs:comment "An exhaustive duration is a relation which specifies that the process or state participating in the relation is one which holds for the entire extent of the temporal interval participating in the relation. It is typically realized in English by the preposition `during'."(xsd:string
  • existent rdfs:comment "This relation defines the only participant allowed in an Existential Configuration."(xsd:string
  • extremal rdfs:comment "A relation of temporal locating that explicitly orients to the end point of an interval; this establishes contrasts such as `until' (extremal) vs. `before' (nonextremal), and `since' (extremal) vs. `after' (nonextremal)."(xsd:string
  • follow rdfs:comment "A temporal relationship of strict precedence; it is therefore posterior and nonextremal. It is an inverse to the precede relation that is used in tense reasoning by the grammar."(xsd:string
  • generalizedMeans rdfs:comment "A type of participant which can be agentive, manner, instrumental, or enablemenet. It is a generalized notion that refers to the abstract concept of the means for actualizing some process."(xsd:string
  • greater rdfs:comment "A direction of comparison in a scaled comparison: here, the quality with respect to which comparison proceeds holds more rather than less."(xsd:string
  • gumrelation rdfs:comment "The most general property a concept can have."(xsd:string
  • hasConjunct rdfs:comment "The binary relation between a Conjunction and one of its conjuncts."(xsd:string
  • hasDisjunct rdfs:comment "The binary relation between a Disjunction and one of its disjuncts."(xsd:string
  • hasElaboration rdfs:comment "An elaboration of an element. Ex.: "A cheerful Mexican kitchen" (HM06: p183)"(xsd:string
  • hasEnhancement rdfs:comment "An enhancement of an element. Ex.: "This 18th century vase from Mexico" (HM06: p183)"(xsd:string
  • hasExtension rdfs:comment "An extension of an element. Ex.: "My aunt's teapot" (HM06: p183)"(xsd:string
  • hasModification rdfs:comment "A modification of a participant in a configuration. This relation adds attributes to an element. It can be linguistically expressed as epithets, classifiers, qualifiers, etc. (HM06: p183)."(xsd:string
  • inclusive rdfs:comment "A subtype of accompaniment that picks out the positive nature of accompaniment; an exclusive accompaniment indicates that accompaniment occured in addition to some other entity that accompanies."(xsd:string
  • instrumental rdfs:comment "Instrument is typically expressed as: `{verb} + with' where {verb} cannot be `be'."(xsd:string
  • lesser rdfs:comment "A direction of comparison in a scaled comparison: here the quality with respect to which comparison proceeds holds less rather than more."(xsd:string
  • manner rdfs:comment "A circumstantial role of a process that describes the manner in which the process' actualization is achieved. Commonly realized by adverbs in English, although there are other possibilities also."(xsd:string
  • material rdfs:comment "A participant role that carries information about the material from which an entity is constructed."(xsd:string
  • metaMessage rdfs:comment "The type of information, e.g., a story or lecture, being communicated by a communicative process (from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • nonExhaustiveDuration rdfs:comment "An nonexhaustive duration is a relation which specifies that the process or state participating in the relation is one which does not hold for the entire extent of the temporal interval participating in the relation. It is typically realized in English by the preposition `in'."(xsd:string
  • nonExtremal rdfs:comment "A relationship of temporal locating that is not oriented to the end points of an interval; examples of this distinction are: `until' (extremal) vs. `before' (nonextremal), and `since' (extremal) vs. `after' (nonextremal)."(xsd:string
  • nonMetaMessage rdfs:comment "The information being communicated by a communicative process (from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • orderingRelation rdfs:comment "The general relationship that holds between the parts of an ordered object."(xsd:string
  • participantInConfiguration rdfs:comment "A Configuration is said to `contain' some number of entities that participate in its actualization. The manner of these entities is identified in terms of given role names. Participants in a process typically come from the SimpleThing hierarchy and are realized as nominal groups. Clearly there are some kinds of relations which will have actions or processes as their participants, e.g. causality."(xsd:string
  • participantInMultiConfiguration rdfs:comment "This property defines the participants of combinations of Configurations. For more complex structures participants can also be MultiConfigurations."(xsd:string
  • phenomenon rdfs:comment "The object of perception in an InternalProcessing (HM 1999: 131)."(xsd:string
  • possessed rdfs:comment "This relation relates the configuration to an entity which has an owner (possessor)."(xsd:string
  • possessor rdfs:comment "This relation relates the configuration to an entitiy which possesses something (possessed)."(xsd:string
  • posterior rdfs:comment "A relation between intervals that specifies their order in time. A type of temporal locating, a circumstantial (somewhere under relational process) with range of a time interval and a commented out domain of a process. Here one interval is said to follow another."(xsd:string
  • posterior-extremal rdfs:comment "(from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • precede rdfs:comment "A temporal relationship of strict precedence; it is therefore anterior and nonextremal. It is used particularly in tense reasoning by the grammar."(xsd:string
  • processInConfiguration rdfs:comment "That which holds between a Configuration and a Process."(xsd:string
  • processRange rdfs:comment "A participant role where the participant is not affected or altered by the actualization of the process, but instead serves more to define the nature of the process, e.g. "The car turned the corner.'' Here the corner is the range over which the process is occurring. The reason processRange is a subclass of actee is that the filler of processRange "acts like" an actee, i.e. comes after the verb without a preposition intervening. (Probably in conflict with grammar.)"(xsd:string
  • prompt rdfs:comment "The information process preceding the recent communicative process."(xsd:string
  • purpose rdfs:comment "Purpose captures the notion of why something was done. They may be motivational as with `reasons' but look forward rather than back."(xsd:string
  • qualitativeTemporalExtent rdfs:comment "A qualitative temporal extent, e.g., "a long while".
    A relationship of temporal extent that is classified as qualitative. Qualitative here refers to a posited property of temporal relationships concerning how they are treated by the grammar of a language. Qualitative spatial relationships are taken to `move along with' an observer. This contrasts with absolute relationships which do not accompany the observer. As an example, the notion of `today', `tomorrow', etc. do not stand still and allow the observer to pass them by, they move with the observer; this is in contrast to the notion of a `Monday', which can come and pass the observer by."
  • quantitativeTemporalExtent rdfs:comment "A quantitative temporal extent, e.g., "three hours".
    A relationship of temporal extent that is classified as quantitative. Quantitative here refers to a posited property of temporal relationships concerning how they are treated by the grammar of English. Absolute temporal relationships are taken to be unchanging with respect to the observer. A relative relationship is one that moves with the observer. As an example, the notion of `today', `tomorrow', etc. do not stand still and allow the observer to pass them by, they move with the observer; this is in contrast to the notion of a `Monday', which can come and pass the observer by."
  • range rdfs:comment "One of the required relations in a Relating. Necessary for generation, but could be deleted later if the generator is changed."(xsd:string
  • reason rdfs:comment "REASON captures the notion of motivation. Here the effect is volitional or intentional. This relation is expressed by terms such as: `since', `because'. Examples include: ``Henry went to the store because he needed milk.'' and ``since it was raining, Henry brought his umbrella.''"(xsd:string
  • recipient rdfs:comment "The beneficiary participant role of a material process."(xsd:string
  • result rdfs:comment "A particular type of participant relationship to a process: identifies the participant that is in the role of being affected, acted upon, or brought into being by the actualization of the process."(xsd:string
  • sayer rdfs:comment "The required role in an ExternalProcess; this requires a symbolic source, a concious or non-concious being (HM 1999: 130)."(xsd:string
  • saying rdfs:comment "The information being communicated by a communicative process."(xsd:string
  • senser rdfs:comment "The required role in an InternalProcess. The range is restricted to be a conscious-being (HM 1999: 130).
    Examples include: `happy', `angry', `sad', `amused', `afraid'. Constructions involving qualities in this class can specify a fact as the cau--se of the mental state. For example, ``Henry was sad that he missed the performance''. ``Henry was angry because the train was late''. Note that such constructions are not possible with phenomenon-oriented-qualities. Some qualities fall into both categories, but are expressed differently depending on their classification. Compare: ``I am *amazed* that the earth is flat'' (senser-oriented); ``That the earth is flat is *amazing* to me'' (phenomenon-oriented). (Bateman, Henschel, and Rinaldi 1995: 64)"
  • similarity rdfs:comment "A sub-type of the comparison relationship that picks out positive comparison."(xsd:string
  • since rdfs:comment "(from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • spatialCircumstance rdfs:comment "This describes the relation of two entites in space."(xsd:string
  • spatialTemporalCircumstance rdfs:comment "This relation represents all circumstantial spatial or temporal relations of any configuration."(xsd:string
  • standard rdfs:comment "The standard against which comparison is drawn in a scaled comparison."(xsd:string
  • subjectMatter rdfs:comment "Expressed as: be about, as in: ``This document is about the entity hierarchy.''"(xsd:string
  • temporalCircumstance rdfs:comment "This describes the relation of two entites in time."(xsd:string
  • temporalExtent rdfs:comment "A temporal relation of specifying the time that a state of affairs or process holds (e.g. `for 5 years')."(xsd:string
  • temporalInclusive rdfs:comment "In a temporal inclusive relation, the first interval completely includes or covers the second (from MUM 1994)."(xsd:string
  • temporalLocating rdfs:comment "The relationship between an object or process and its location in time."(xsd:string
  • temporalNonOrdering rdfs:comment "A class of temporal relations that do not impose any ordering on the points or intervals they hold over. Examples of these would typically be realized in English by the prepositions `in', `at', `on', etc."(xsd:string
  • temporalOrdering rdfs:comment "The ordering relation that can hold between points or intervals in time."(xsd:string
  • temporalRelation rdfs:comment "TEMPORAL-RELATION is often expressed using `be at'. It may also be expressed as a prepositional phrase beginning with a preposition such as `before' or `after'. Further discriminations select between these possibilities."(xsd:string
  • owl:Thing rdfs:comment ""(xsd:string