Uni Bremen>FB10>Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to (Applying) Linguistics 2007/08  

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This is the website for the Introduction to Linguistics basic module of the BA-Program English-Speaking Cultures. The course is also part of the Linguistics BA.


This course has now closed. For WS 2008/09 go to http://www.fb10.uni-bremen.de/anglistik/ling/gk-lingintro08/lingintro.htm.

  • The results of the second resit exams are available here.
  • The results for the first resit held on 28th March are here.
  • The results of the original exam are here.
  • An answer and hints sheet for the first exam is available here.

Exam scripts can be examined in Mrs Tandecki's office (GW2, B3630). Questions can be discussed in my regular office hours.

I draw everyone's attention to the fact that Täuschungsversuche cause the immediate failing of the course and repeated attempts are grounds for exmatriculation.

Also do not forget to register in Stud.IP. You will learn how to do this if you do not know during the orientation week. The Stud.IP pages for this course can be reached here.

You should be able to find most of the material you need to participate in the course by following the navigation menus on the left. This will not replace the reading that you need to do of the articles in the copyshop and the set books however!!! Nor it will replace the work during tutorials!!!

If information is not where you expect it, or things appear broken, let me know and I will fix them if I can.


John Bateman, August 2008