Computerlinguistik: MA Language Sciences
Profilmodul: Materials
John Bateman: WS2009/2010


Overheads used:

Software for playing with

SImple Analysis:



Accompanying Reading (some of the quality of these scans is not the best: let me know if there are parts which are too bad to read!)

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Dale / Moisl / Somers (Hrgg)(2000) A handbook of natural language
processing: techniques and applications for the processing of language as text.

Preface, pp.iii-viii
5. Semantic Analysis (Poesio)
7. Natural Language Generation (McDonald)
13. Machine Translation (Somers)
14. Dialogue Systems: from theory to practice (Allen)

Mitkov (Hrg)(2002) Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. OUP. [to come]

25. Ontologies (Vossen)

Meyer (2002) Synchronic English Linguistics: An introduction. GNV

4.5 Formal Semantics (pp118—132)

Additional Information on Dialogue Systems