
Important Notice: Please avoid multiple registrations! If you want to modify, an existing registration, please send us an e-mail with your requested changes. Thank you!

Personal Data

The personal data collected in the registration process will be used solely for organisational purposes.

Important Notice: Registration proceeds in several steps. To navigate backwards and forwards, please use the buttons at the bottom of each page and NOT the browser navigation.

After successful registration, you will immediately receive a notification via email with the details of your registration.

Registration fees

Registration fees are as follows:

  • 100 € for early birds (before April 17, 2013)
  • 140 € for late comers (after April 17, 2013)
  • 50 € for students
  • Note: Accepted speakers will also be able to benefit from the reduced conference fee even after April 17.

Please transfer the registration fees using the following details:

Université Lumière Lyon2
IBAN: FR76 1007 1690 0000 0010 0433 266
Reference: YOUR NAME P90100 - GHILM conference

The following button will take you to the registration form: