NG Bibliography

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Anderson, John M. 2004. Grammar and meaning: two cheers for structuralism. (Report No. Ilci-03-Lic-13. Institute For Logic, Cognition, Language And Information). Donostia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.
Anderson, John M. 2004. On the grammatical status of names. Language 80, 435-474.
Anderson, John M & Colman, Fran . 2004. Metonymy as word-formation: With special reference to Old English. English Studies 85(6), 547-565.
Anderson, John M. 2004. No less than four notes on less. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 40, 55-74.
Anderson, John M. 2004. Syntactic categories and syntactic change: the development of subjunctive periphrases in English. In: Fandiño, Isabel Moskowich & García Begoña Crespo. New trends in English historical linguistics: An Atlantic view. 31-73. Coruña: Universidade da Coruña.
Anderson, John M. 2005. The argument structure of morphological causatives. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 40, 27-89.
Anderson, John M. 2005. The groundedness of grammar. In: Stuhlmann, A. & P. Studer. Language – Text – Bildung: Essays in honour of Beate Dreike. 13-21. Frankfurt: Lang.
Anderson, John M. 2005. Let and the 'bare infinitive': an exploratory exercise in (traditional notional) grammar. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 41, 29-52.
Anderson, John M. 2005. The non-autonomy of syntax. Folia Linguistica 39, 223-250.
Anderson, John M. 2005. Structuralism and autonomy: From Saussure to Chomsky. Historiographia Linguistica 32, 117-148.
Anderson, John M. 2006. Case grammar. In: Brown, Keith . The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. Vol. II, 220-233. Oxford: Elsevier.
Anderson, John M. 2006. Modern grammars of case: A retrospective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Anderson, John M. 2006. Notional grammar. Anglophonia (Sigma): French Journal of English Studies 20, 6-49.
Anderson, John M. 2006. Structural analogy and universal grammar. Lingua 116(5), 301-333.
Anderson, John M. 2007. Finiteness, mood, and morphosyntax. Journal of Linguistics 43, 1-32.
Anderson, John M. 2007. The grammar of names. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Anderson, John M. 2008. Case in localist case grammar. In: Malchukov, Andrej & Andrew Spencer. The Oxford handbook of case. 121-135. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Anderson, John M. 2008. A case of functional equivalence. In: Andor, József , Béla Hollósy, Tibor Laczkó, & Péter Pelyvás. When grammar minds language and literature: Festschrift for Béla Korponay. 45-63. Debrecen: Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen.
Anderson, John M. 2008. Finiteness, subjunctives, and negation in English. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 44, 203-215.
Anderson, John M. 2011. Referentiality and the noun. Hermes – Journal of Language and Communication in Business 47, 13-29.
