NG Bibliography

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Anderson, John M. 2011. The substance of language. Vol. I. The domain of syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Anderson, John M. 2011. The substance of language. Vol. II. Morphology, paradigms, and periphrases. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Anderson, John M. 2011. The substance of language. Vol. III. Phonology-syntax analogies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Anderson, John M. 2012. Parasitic passives of intransitives in English. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics 1, 5-22.
Anderson, John M. 2012. Types of lexical complexity in English: Syntactic categories and the lexicon. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 47(4), 3-51.
Anderson, John M. 2013. On so-called 'conjunctions' in English. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 49(1), 21-77.
Anderson, John M. 2013. Substance, structural analogy, and universals. Language Sciences 39, 15-30.
Anderson, John M. 2013. What are 'grammatical periphrases'?. In: Hegedus, Irén & Dóra Podör. Periphrasis, replacement and renewal: Studies in English Historical Linguistics. 14-33. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
Bauer, Laurie & Boagey, Winifred . 1977. Review of Anderson, J.M. 1971. The grammar of case: towards a localistic theory. Cambridge: CUP. Linguistics and Philosophy 1, 485-497.
Böhm, Roger . 1981. On causing without a subject. Lingua 53, 1-31.
Böhm, Roger . 1983. Semi-subjects: evidence for split principals. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 18, 117-153.
Böhm, Roger . 1986. Indirect object advancement: from relational grammar to case grammar (via Kalkatungu). Australian Journal of Linguistics 6(1), 73-105.
Böhm, Roger . 1998. De-activated participants: Notional Grammar, dependency and (anti)passives. In: Boeder, W. , Ch. Schroeder, K.H. Wagner, & W. Wildgen. Sprache in Raum und Zeit. In memoriam Johannes Bechert. Vol. 2, 19-49. Tübingen: Narr.
Böhm, Roger . 1998. Notional Grammar, Wortklassen und Dependenz. (Blick 7). Bremen: Universität Bremen, IAAS.
Böhm, Roger . 1999. Kategorien, Konfigurationen und 'Kasus' in einer notionalen Grammatik. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 52(2), 207-231.
Böhm, Roger . 2000. Ergativität – Akkusativität und Notionalgrammatisches. In: Hackmack, Susanne & Karl Heinz Wagner. Ergativ. 53-64. (Bremer Linguististik Workshop 1). Bremen: Universität Bremen, IASS.
