Conference Description

The International Association of Maltese Linguistics (Għaqda Internazzjionali tal-Lingwistika Maltija (GĦILM)) is pleased to announce the 2nd International Conference of Maltese Linguistics. This year's topic is

Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society.

Invited speakers

The wide range of topics covered by the talks of our invited speakers ( Programme) demonstrates that Maltese Linguistics fulfils the requirements of becoming a full-blown sub-discipline of linguistics.


The conference will be hosted by the University of Bremen/Germany, where linguistic research on Maltese and languages of the Mediterranean has had a long tradition. The conference is organised by the Institute of General and Applied Linguistics (IAAS) of the University of Bremen. The conference is scheduled for Semptember 19–21, 2009 and forms part of a series of fifteen international conferences on the occasion of the Festival of languages (Bremen/Germany, 17 September – 7 October, 2009), organised by the Institute of General and Applied Linguistics (IAAS) at the University of Bremen.

For details on various aspects of the venue please consult the following pages:


As to the programme there are still free slots on the reserve list and in the poster session.

The conference language is English.

Abstract guidelines

Abstracts should be 600 words (approx) and they should be sent by email to Deadline for receipt of abstracts is June 15, 2009. The authors will be notified of acceptance decicions by August 15th 2009. At the current state of affairs listing of abstracts does not necessarily indicate acceptance.


A volume with the proceedings of the conference will be published.

Conference Fees

The fees for this conference are as follows:

Conference fees
  Full rate Student rate
until 15/8/2009 € 100.00 € 50.00
after 15/8/2009 € 150.00 € 75.00

In case you are in interested in attending other conventions of our "conference marathon" you should follow this link: Conference Fees Summary.


Please note that you can register for more than one conference in one booking. For details on the registraton procedure please consult Registration.