Masterclass Dušan Stamenković, Video Games

Wir freuen uns, eine weitere Masterclass zum Thema Multimodalität ankündigen zu dürfen, zu der wir alle interessierten Studierenden und KollegInnen einladen möchten:


Dušan Stamenković, University of Niš, Serbia

am 29. November 2018
um 14.15 Uhr
in GW2 B3009

The present talk represents an attempt to link the approach that combines aspects of Bogost’s procedural rhetoric (2007) and Fairclough’s CDA theoretical positions (1995, 2003) and focuses on phenomena such as the rule-based discourse, meta-rules, remediation and invisibilization (Popović and Stamenković, in press) with the approach to first-person, real-time video games proposed in Multimodality: Foundations, Research, Analysis – A Problem-Oriented Introduction (Bateman, Wildfeuer and Hiippala 2017). By pulling gameworld and interface canvases apart and identifying semiotic modes mobilised in them for the purpose of establishing a game’s procedurality, we are likely to reveal the role of different modes in gaming aspects related to meta-rules, remediation and invisibilization. Drawing on such theoretical background, the talk will employ several exemplar screenshots coming from war-related video games to depict the games’ procedurality and the impact that different elements in their canvases have on the functioning of procedurality.

Bateman, John A., Janina Wildfeuer and Tuomo Hiippala. 2017. Multimodality: Foundations, Research, Analysis – A Problem-Oriented Introduction. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter.

Bogost, Ian. 2007.Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Fairclough, Norman. 1995. Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language. London and New York: Longman.

Fairclough, Norman. 2003. Analysing Discourse.New York: Routledge.

Popović, Mladen and Dušan Stamenković. In press. Critical discourse analysis, procedurality and persuasion in video games. In: Lopičić, V. and B. Mišić Ilić (eds). Language, Literature, Theory. Niš: Faculty of Philosophy.