Uni Bremen>FB10>Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to English Linguistics 2009/2010  

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"ab dem 15. Dezember 2008 melden sich die Studierenden der Bachelorstudiengänge des FB 10
(inkl. Fachbezogene Bildungswissenschaften) online über PABO (www.PABO.uni-bremen.de) zu
den Prüfungen an.

Ein Alternativverfahren, wie z.B. eine schriftliche Anmeldung bei den Modulverantwortlichen o.ä., ist nicht möglich. Alleine die Online-Anmeldung ist für die Zulassung zur Prüfung maßgebend. D.h.
Studierende, die sich nicht rechtzeitig online zu den Prüfungen angemeldet haben, bleibt die
Teilnahme verwehrt."


This is the website for the Introduction to Linguistics basic module of the BA-Program English-Speaking Cultures. The course is also part of the Linguistics BA.



This course has now ended.

The first Nachschreibtermin was on March 29th !!! Details here!!!

The results for the first exam, held on 9. February 2010, are available in anonymised form here.

It is also possible to see exactly how you did on each question, if you wish to see this, either come to an office hour or send me an email.

Also do not forget to register in Stud.IP. You will learn how to do this if you do not know during the orientation week. The Stud.IP pages for this course can be reached here.

You should be able to find most of the material you need to participate in the course by following the navigation menus on the left. There is also a set book that you should get hold: copies will be available in the University bookshop and a couple are in the library. You should also regularly attend the tutorials that accompany the course.

If information is not where you expect it, or things appear broken, let us know and I will fix them if I can.


John Bateman, Anatol Stefanowitsch, Juliana Göeschler
October 2009