English-Speaking Cultures
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Beyond "Other" Cultures: Transcultural Perspectives on Teaching the New Literatures in English

This project explores the potential of the New Literatures in English with their manifold connections to a wide variety of cultures around the globe for exploring questions of “cultural learning” in teaching literature. The New Literatures in English not only provide striking examples of transcultural border-crossings that set up unexpected links between cultures in public arenas as well as in the innermost recesses of individual identity, but also challenge us to come to terms with the cultural complexity of a world literary language that combines a global medium of literary communication with an almost infinite variety of local adaptations and cultural contexts. Some of the main questions addressed are the following: What insights about culture are we ultimately aiming for in teaching the New Literatures in English? How can we utilize the transcultural potential of English as a global language relating to an immense variety of cultural contexts in our teaching? How can the transcultural complexity that we encounter both in the literary texts we teach and in the lifeworlds of our students and pupils become an integral part of our teaching practices? Are there ways of turning this transcultural complexity from a liability that complicates the teaching of “cultural contexts” into an asset that helps us to perceive the dynamics of culture in an increasingly globalised world? How can our teaching help to overcome widespread notions of cultures as more or less homogenous and clearly demarcated entities? And how can we move beyond renewed stereotypes of “other” cultures without giving up an interest in cultural difference altogether?

Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Sabine Doff, Prof. Dr. Frank Schulze-Engler

Veröffentlichung: Sabine Doff & Frank Schulze-Engler (Hrsg.) (2011). Beyond 'Other Cultures'. Transcultural Approaches to Teaching the New Literatures in English. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. Weitere Informationen