Who – what – are The Parlement of Foules?
They comprise a flock of students of English & American Studies, English-Speaking Cultures (BA) and Transnational Literature (MA) at the University of Bremen. This is the twenty-second year of Foules activities; “Doctor Faustus” is their twenty-ninth production.
The name „Parlement of Foules“ (das Vogelparlament) comes from a dream-poem by Geoffrey Chaucer, centring on a conference of birds – or fowls – to choose their mates on St. Valentine’s Day. It is thought to have been written in celebration of a marriage, perhaps that of the young King Richard II to Anne of Bohemia in 1382. At the end of the poem, the debate is unresolved, and the birds agree to assemble a year later to decide. (Anyone interested in following up a German link should consult the traditional folksong entitled Die Vogelhochzeit.)
Our “Parlement of Foules” assembles once a year, in fully fledged form with performances in mid-summer. We look forward to seeing you here in the Schnürschuhtheater [http://www.schnuerschuh-theater.de] again, observing our ‘debate’.
Our next performances will be in the Theaterhaus Schnürschuh on 6th to 9th June, 2017. You can get regular updates on the progress of our rehearsals on Instagram ([at] thefoules) and on Facebook (The Parlement of Foules or [at]foules).
If you would like details of future productions, please contact Michael Claridge at Claridge[at]uni-bremen.de, so that we can add you to the mailing list of the Bremen English Drama Network, informing lovers of English-language drama (not only in schools) about relevant activities, workshops, performances, guest lectures etc. in and around Bremen.
Bremen University's Faculty of Languages and Literatures offers an MA degree in “Transnational Literature: Literature, Theatre, Film”, containing the option to focus primarily (but not exclusively) on theatre. This includes the possibility of working on a stage production in French or English, work that can focus on acting, assistant direction, publicity and many other areas. We believe Bremen is the only university in Germany offering such a qualification within modern foreign languages. The “English-Speaking Cultures” BA degree includes a biennial course entitled "Shakespeare’s London and Shakespeare’s Globe" [http://www.fb10.uni-bremen.de/anglistik/exkursionen/london.aspx] with a week-long excursion to London and workshops in Shakespeare’s Globe, as well as the opportunity to participate in Parlement of Foules productions.