Film Screenings

"The Writer From A Country Without Bookstores" (2019) – film screening and discussion with writer Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel


On 19 January 2021 at 2.00 p.m., we will screen a documentary based on the life of Equatoguinean writer Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel. The documentary is titled "The Writer from a Country Without Bookstores" (dir.: Marc Serena), and has been nominated for 7 Goya awards. The screening of the film, in its original version (Spanish and Fá d'Ambô) with English subtitles, will be followed by a discussion with Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel.

Organization: Dr. Julia Borst

The event will take place as a videoconference via Zoom. To register please write an email to Dr. Julia Borst ( The number of participants is limited to 100 persons.

Synopsis: Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel is the most translated writer from Equatorial Guinea but he had to flee the country in 2011, after going on a hunger strike against Teodoro Obiang’s dictatorship, the longest lasting in the world. Since then, he lives as a refugee in Spain, the former colonial power, where his work is largely ignored. He feels he has to travel back to his country despite of the risks, as he is one of the most prominent intellectuals against the regime. With him and his books we embark on a journey to one of the most isolated African countries.

With financial support by ForstA integriert.

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Filmvorführung und Diskussion – "Unterschätzt und unbeachtet: literarische Stimmen Äquatorialguineas" (Doku, 2009)


Am 24.11.2020 um 14 Uhr s.t. wird Rahmen des interdisziplinären Seminars "Guinea Ecuatorial: perspectivas lingüísticas y literarias" von Julia Borst und Carolin Patzelt der Dokumentarfilm "Subvaloradas sin ser vistas: voces literarias de Guinea Ecuatorial" in der spanischen Originalversion mit deutschen Untertiteln gezeigt. Im Anschluss diskutieren wir mit Mischa G. Hendel, dem Regisseur des Dokumentarfilms (Moderation: Julia Borst).

Alle Interessierten der Universität Bremen und von außerhalb sind herzlich eingeladen, den Film gemeinsam mit uns per Zoom zu schauen. Um Zugang zum Zoom-Meeting zu erhalten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Julia Borst (

Unterstützt wird die Veranstaltung von ForstAintegriert und dem INPUTS.

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