Third Bremen Conference on Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts (BCLL #3):
“Postcolonial Knowledges”
March 15-18, 2016
Keynote Speakers
- Jeannette Armstrong (The University of British Columbia, Canada): “Syilx knowledges: A decolonial strategy”
- Hamid Dabashi (Columbia University): “Can Non-Europeans think? Intellectual traditions and decolonization of epistemology”
- Michel DeGraff (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): “Local languages as technology for liberation in (neo-)colonial contexts: The case of Kreyòl in Haitian schools”
- Gloria Emeagwali (Central Connecticut State University): “Intersections between endogenous and hegemonic knowledge systems with a focus on Africa and Native America”
- Lisa Lim (The University of Hong Kong): “Paradox of the periphery: Postcolonial and postvernacular (re)positionings in 21st-century Asia”
- Sinfree Makoni (The Pennsylvania State University): “What does food have to do with multilingualism?”
This interdisciplinary conference brings together scholars of different academic backgrounds to explore how knowledge systems, cultures, languages, and literary traditions have been affected by colonial and postcolonial conditions that are increasingly marked by contradictions, cultural heterogeneity, and transcultural processes. We are interested in the ways in which colonial and postcolonial constellations have been reflected, shaped, and negotiated by communication, symbolic practice, and knowledge practices.
We will look critically at ongoing knowledge production and Eurocentric ‘intellectual dominance’ (Emeagwali 2003) in knowledge centers and discourses around the world. We aim to crystallize decolonial strategies to challenge neocolonial tendencies in institutions of knowledge production and to probe the possibilities of integrating postcolonial knowledges into present knowledge discourses. Many collaborations and attempts to interlink Eurocentric and non-Eurocentric knowledge systems are already taking place, and scholars around the globe are producing alternative postcolonial visions of reality and the world that are embedded in non-European lives, ontologies, and philosophies (e.g. Armstrong 2009; Atleo 2009, 2011; Dogbe 2006; Garcés V 2012; Moctar Ba 2013).
To address these issues, this conference focuses on themes related to the marginalization and displacement of local knowledge systems and the endangerment of languages as well as on epistemological and language ideologies in colonial and postcolonial settings.
Conference Program
Conference Organizers
- Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf, Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Bremen
- Prof. Dr. Eeva Sippola, Postcolonial Language Studies, University of Bremen
Contact and Information
Download: BCLL #3 Call for Papers
Die Arabische Welt – zwischen Revolution und Intervention
Stimmen aus der Region
Eine Tagung des Instituts für Postkoloniale und Transkulturelle Studien (INPUTS)
an der Universität Bremen mit Unterstützung der Nahosthochschulgruppe (Universität
und Hochschule Bremen) und der Arabischen Kulturgesellschaft e.V. (Poster)
Samstag, 4. Juni 2011 im Gästehaus der Universität Bremen, Teerhof
58, 28199 Bremen
Begrüßung: Dr. Detlev Quintern (INPUTS, Arabische Kulturgesellschaft)
10.00 – 10.45
Prof. Dr. Karam Khella (Hamburg): Langzeitgeschichte der Revolution
Diskussion und Pause
11.15 – 12.00
Die Arabische Revolution – nationale, regionale und internationale Perspektiven
Diskussion und Mittagspause mit arabischem Buffet
14.00 – 14.45
Dr. Khaled Al-Massalmeh (Bochum): Die arabische Revolution: Bedeutung, Perspektiven
und Gefahren am Beispiel der syrischen Revolution
Diskussion und Pause
15.30 – 16.15
Dipl.Ökonom Aziz Alkazzaz (Hamburg): Die arabische Revolution – Hintergründe, Verlauf
und Zukunftsperspektiven unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Iraks
Diskussion und Pause
17.00 – 17.45
(n.n.) Palästina und die Arabische Revolution
Diskussion und Pause
Studentische Diskussionsbeiträge von Mohammed Yousif Aburok (Nahosthochschulgruppe)
und Studierenden aus Tunesien, Irak und weiteren arabischen Ländern
20.00 – 21.30
Abschließende Podiums- und Diskussionsveranstaltung
Begleitprogramm: Die Arabische Revolution – fotographische Impressionen
in Kooperation mit der Union Arabischer Fotographen e.V.
(Eröffnung: Freitag 3. Juni 18.00, Glashalle, Zentralbereich A,
Studentenhaus, Universität Bremen)
Kontakt: Dr. Detlev Quintern,
Decolonizing Gender
International Symposium in the Duke-Bremen-Amsterdam Series “Decolonizing the Humanities”
INPUTS, University of Bremen, 10–12 June 2011
This will not be a traditional conference based on lectures. Instead, we are striving
to create a working style of jointly thinking through and articulating (potentially)
controversial positions in the context of the workshop theme. The format of the
workshop consists of four consecutive roundtable sessions. Sessions will be opened
by the input of listed participants.
Location: Gästehaus der Universität Bremen, Teerhof 58, 28199 Bremen
Friday, 10 June 2011
4 p.m.
5–8 p.m.
Opening Remarks: Walter Mignolo and Sabine Broeck Roundtable
Saturday, 11 June 2011
10 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
First Plenary: “Historical Trajectories of the Modern”
Input by: Antonella Corsani, Barnor Hesse, Kwame Nimako
12:30–2 p.m.
Lunch Break
2–4.30 p.m.
Second Plenary: “Epistemic Implications”
Input by: Nikita Dhawan, Marina Gržinić, Patricia Purtschert, Frank Wilderson
4:30–5 p.m.
Coffee Break
5–7:30 p.m.
Third Plenary: “Im/possible Subject Locations”
Input by: Heike Paul, Madina Tlostanova, Artwell Cain, Patricia Williams
Sunday, 12 June 2011
11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Fourth Plenary: “The Human and Feminist Theory“
Input by: Maisha-Maureen Eggers, Kathryn Gines, Ellen Rooney
1:30–3:00 p.m.
Lunch Break
3–4.30 p.m.
Fifth Plenary: “Decoloniality and the Disciplines”
Roundtable Closing Remarks: Gisela Febel
- 25. – 27. Februar 2010 | Duke University
EDUCATION, DEVELOPMENT, FREEDOM. Workshop of the Center for Global Studies and the Humanities
- 29. – 30. Juni 2009 | NiNsee, Amsterdam
Trajectories of Emancipation: Black European Thinkers
- Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2007, 9:00–20:00 | Überseemuseum, Bremen
Der Orient in Bild- und Museumssprache, Literatur und Geschichtsdenken – Ein Studientag im Überseemuseum
- 17.-19. Juni 2006 | Gästehaus der Universität, Teerhof
Transcultural Humanities - Between Globalization and Postcolonial Re-Readings of History
First Annual International Workshop in the Duke-Bremen Series
- 23./24. April 2005 | Gästehaus der Universität, Teerhof
Das Bild von Afrika – Von kolonialer Einbildung zu transkultureller Verständigung Symposium
- 03.12.2004 | Ort: s. Programm
Öffentliches Kolloquium zum UNESCO-Tag der Philosophie 2004
Tagung in Kooperation mit:
- Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission
- Studiengang Philosophie
- Wissenschaftsschwerpunkt "Dynamik und Komplexität von Kulturen"
im Internationalen Jahr der Vereinten Nationen zum Gedenken an den Kampf gegen die
Sklaverei und an ihre Abschaffung
- 25.-28. November 2004 | Gästehaus der Universität, Teerhof
INPUTS Conference: Transculturality in the Diaspora. Spaces – Cultures – Identities
- 15.-16. November 2002 | Institut Français Bremen, Contrescarpe 19
Zwischen Kontakt und Konflikt Stand und Perspektiven der Postkolonialismus-Forschung
Tagung über aktuelle Fragen der Postkolonialismus-Debatte