Karsten W. N. Kurze

Ten years of newleaf: birthday celebrations in June 2004

newleaf Launch Reading & Birthday Party

in the "Kioto" part of the Lagerhaus Schildstraße, 28203 Bremen at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, June 9th, 2004. Authors read from No. 17 and from previous issues of newleaf. There was a PowerPoint display of graphics from the magazine; and one highlight was the film premiere of Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About newleaf And Never Dared To Ask (a Fischbach76 production directed by Patricia T. Schultz). There was also stand-up comedy with Trish & Anna; more live music from Bremen bands Urban Fences, Imbiss and Grenzenfrei and from singer-songwriter James Johnston; and there was dancing till 1 a.m. with DJ Marc Brauns.

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